♥ 43 - dolos ♥

Start from the beginning

We were filming a short video for Thomas' Instagram.

Dolos was sitting alone on the stairs, staring at something. I sat next to him and tried to look where he was looking.

"What are you staring at?" I asked, and he jumped.

"Oh, nothing."

"You're lying. What are you staring at?"

It was another short about Sleep and I was in it, but I already shot my part.

I gasped quietly. "Are you looking at Remy?"

"No, of course not."

"Do you like him?" I whispered.

"Yes and no... He seems cool. He's kinda pretty. But like, he hates me, along with basically everyone else but you. By like him like him, I'm not sure."

"Remy sort of hates most people. So... Good luck, Dolos."

I spent so much time with Dolos from that point on that...

*roman's pov & time skip*

Virgil forgot about me for a week.

Great. Amazing. Fabulous.

Yes, he would still talk to me, but he spent almost all his time with Dolos. He was so happy to have me back but then he just... ugh.

At dinner one night, I subconsciously stabbed my food aggressively with my fork and everyone seemed to notice.

"Roman, kiddo, are you feeling alright?" Patton asked.

"You seem off," Logan chimed in.

"I feel amazing!" I said sarcastically and continued to stab my food. Soon I put down my fork and began stabbing my food with a knife instead.

Logan was quick to pull it out of my hand.

Dolos and Virgil were chatting quietly. Dolos looked around, confused.

"Dolos," I said finally.

"...what's up?" he responded.

"Can we talk alone for a second?"

"Um... Okay..."

We went into the living room and I whispered, "Do you like Virgil?"

"What? As in romantically?"

"Duh. Do you?"

"No! No, I don't. I promise. If I did, I wouldn't get in the way of your relationship."

He looked like he was telling the truth... But he's Deceit! He could lie any time he wanted.

I glared at him for a moment, before returning to the kitchen with him following behind me.

"What was that about?" Virgil asked me.

"Nothing much," I said with a shrug. "Right, Dolos?"


"Right, Dolos?"

"Yes! Yeah, Roman's right. Nothing much. Totally nothing much. Yeah."

For someone who is literally the human form of deceit, he's a terrible liar.

*patton's pov*

Roman was going to drive himself crazy.

I already knew what was going on, but I didn't want to interfere. Roman could have gotten even more upset.

I was laying in bed next to Logan that night. He had fallen asleep, but he woke up again when we heard yelling from Roman's room.

"I love you Roman, you asshole! Why would you think I don't?!"

"Well maybe if you love me, you wouldn't ignore me!"

"What? I don't ignore you!"

"You do! How many times did I try to talk to you today?"

"One...two...three......." There was a pause, I guessed it was him counting in his head. "Six!"


"What?! No! You can't be crazy enough to count that!"

"I'm crazier than you think, Virgil!"


"It's like you don't care about anything that happened before! Why are you always with him?"

"Because he's my friend!"

"Patton and Logan are your friends, but you don't spend every single second with them!"

"Because they're always together, Ro! They're dating!"

"We're dating, but we're rarely together ever since that guy showed up!"

"I can't spend every second with you!"

"I know you can't! And I understand! What I'm saying is you aren't spending any seconds with me!"

"You're so selfish, Roman! Dolos needs me, okay?"

"I'm selfish now for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend?!"

"You're selfish for not letting me help my friend because you're so paranoid! Whatever you think might be going on between me and Dolos isn't real!"

"I know you wouldn't cheat on me, but what I'm saying is that you won't even talk to me because you're always with him! I don't want you only spending time with me, but why are we dating if you don't even want to talk to me?!"

"I do want to talk to you!"

"Then why don't you do it?"

"Because I have to help Dolos! You know he doesn't have any other friends here!"

"UGH! Obviously this conversation isn't going anywhere. Get out of my room. Good night."

Logan gave me a concerned look. I frowned and reluctantly got out of bed.

"Does this mean I have to get out of bed too?" Logan whined tiredly.


He groaned, but got up anyway, and we both headed into Virgil's room.

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