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They take us to almost a cave with a metal down on it and throw us in. When they close to doors Jackson rush the door, " Damn you! You killed them all!"

Jackson turns around and I shake my head, "calm down."

Abe looks around, "We got to find a way out of here. Let's look over here." we walk around the cave and try to find something to help us.

Mitch sighs, "I got to get to my daughter."

I glance back to him, "We'll figure it out, Mitch."

"Well, that's easy for you to say. The serum cured you and Jackson, Clem still has the ghost gene. Once they drop that gas over Maine, she's got less than 12 hours to live."

"Why would the Shepherds help us make a cure to save the animals and then drop a gas that will kill them?"

We walk around the cave and come either walls or bars. Dariela walks up to one of the walls, "Check these out."

We walk over and see claw marks, deep and long marks, slicked throw the rock. As I step closer to the wall I notice there is a crevice beside it and that someone is in it. I jump back when they move, "What the Hell?!"

When the person's face comes into the light, we can see that it's Logan, Abe helps him up, "Logan? What happened to you?"

"Some kind of animal gets in here. I barely made it into this crevice. Otherwise, I'd be dead."

Jamie scoffs, "Well, you're just one lucky son of a bitch, then, aren't you?"

I glance to Jamie and then back to Logan, "How did the animal get inside?"

Before Logan can answer alarms being to wail, Logan shakes his head and looks around panicked, "No, no, no, no. It's feeding time again. That gate opens. They come in here. This cavern is their food bowl."

I head back over to the gate, "As soon as the gate opens, I say we run like hell."

Jackson nods, "That's crux The southern cross. Which means south is that way." He points where we should head, "The Shepherd compound was at the southernmost tip of the island. And that's where the plane is."

Abe walks over to some piping and begins to break it. Dariela turns as we hear him kicking it, "Abe, what are you doing?"

"We need to protect ourselves."

Logan slowly walks over to his, he is clearly weak from his ordeal. Jackson goes over to him, "Logan, give me your arm."

Mitch shakes his head, "Leave him."

Jamie nods, "Best idea ever."

"No." Jackson protests.

"He's gonna slow us down."

"I'm not leaving him."

The gate opens and Mitch turns from it to the group, "Less talking, more running."

As we head out into the moonlit jungle, we hear growling and roaring from somewhere within the trees. When we get to the fence I look up at the signs, "We're in section K."

"What the hell is section K?" Mitch looks over to me.

Dariela sighs, "Reece said it's where the Shepherds keep their mistakes."

I shake my head in confusion, "Mistakes? They have mistakes?"

We hear the distance roaring again, "Apparently. And a lot of them."

Abe moves his arm in front of everyone, "Get back." Abe throws the copper pine into the gate and breaks it open, when we all run through it we are stopped by two shepherds, "Freeze! Stay right where you are. Command, we got a problem at Section K, gate three."

Out of TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon