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Cassie and I were playing GTA for like an hour before I got tired and stepped outside for a cigarette.
When I walked into the front area there was already someone sitting out there on their phone.
I decided to be a decent human and not invade their space by sitting on the other side of the little bend thing thats in front of their door. The person looked up and we noticed each other. It was Colby, he came and sat closer to me and we just talked.

"Hey, sorry. I came out for a cigarette. The party was a lot for me to handle." I quietly laughed at myself,

"It's a lot for me to, I came out to smoke too." He smiled picking his vape up to show me.

"Similar people we are." I stared at the ground for a second before lighting my cigarette,

"Yeah. Except I don't smoke cancer sticks. I just vape." He teased me before inhaling from his vape.

"I know it's a bad habit! I just can't quit." I continued to stare at the ground,

"Addiction is tough. To be honest I'd rather be smoking weed right now. I had to stop doing it as much as I used to." He sighed.

"Why? I'm a stoner and I don't see anything wrong with it." I shrugged making him laugh

"It's different for me. People would think of me differently if they knew I was a stoner." He pressed his lips together into a straight line,

"Oh yeah, like who?" I asked.

Before he answered jake came outside.

"Hey Colby- oh. Hey Amber!" Jake smiled as he ran over to us,

"Hey Jake." I smiled back at him as he stared blankly at me.

"You smoke?" He questioned with one eyebrow raised,

"Oh.. yeah. It's disgusting I know." I awkwardly mumbled before putting out my cigarette in the dirt.

"No it's fine. You're an adult. You can make your own decisions." He shrugged sitting down with us.

"So what did you need, Jake?" Colby asked

"Oh yeah. Alissa is looking for you." He scratched the backs of his head,

"Oh. I should go see her then." Colby gave a smile putting one arm around me for a small hug before he went back inside.

"Who's Alissa?" I asked Jake curiously,

"His ex girlfriend.." he responded

"Oh.. Can I ask you a question?" I raised one eyebrow,

"Yeah, go for it." He smiled

"So someone told me you liked me. Is that true?" I asked.

"Really? Someone meaning Cassie?" Jake said with a confused look on his face

"Yeah, why?" I got a little curious,

"She told me you liked me. I was so confused because I had never met you before." He chuckled.

"Let's go find Cassie and ask her about it." I grinned standing up,

"Let's walk in holding hands to confuse her." Jake laughed

"I bet the first thing that's going to go through her mind is what the fuck." I laughed

"Let's go." Jake said taking my hand as we walked inside and into the living room and the first thing we saw was Cassie and Brennen snuggling together on the couch while talking to Colby and I asume Alissa who was sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck.

It Started With a Lie and Ended With a KissWhere stories live. Discover now