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     My first journal entry,

Why hello journal... I'm Amber! My therapist recommended I start journaling so I'm just here to stretch my legs and give it a shot. So here's some stuff about me.

I'm 19 years old,

My height is 5'6.5,

I have green eyes,

My favourite color is blue. The type of blue the sky is just as it's starting to got light outside in the morning,

My best friend is Cassie.

There isn't much more to me.... anyway I gotta go. I'm meeting Cassie in 20 minutes. She's bringing a friend who says he's interested in me, this can only end poorly but whatever.


"So Amber? Where are you off to?" My roommate Sebastian smiled as he entered my room,

"Going to see Cassie. She's bringing a friend who is supposedly into me. I've never met him though.." I scrunched my eyebrows together deep in thought about this guy.

"Want me to come with you? Y'know if it'll make you feel safer." He offered ever so kindly,

"I'm sure he's okay if Cassie is confident that I won't turn him down." I shrugged "thanks though."

"Let me know if you change your mind." Sebastian smiled giving me a hug before he left my room so I could get ready.

For the day I just tied my hair back into a ponytail and put a red shirt on with overalls and white converse,
For makeup I just put some mascara and a lip tint on and I was ready to go. (As I'm editing this I realise this is literally Emma Chamberlain... well fuck..)

"Bye Seb, I'm off now. If I'm not back before eight and I haven't texted you saying where I am just asume I've been kidnapped!" I smiled as I happily trotted out the door with my bag hung on my shoulder.

Once I finally arrived at Starbucks I seen Cassie sitting at a table with a boy with purple ish hair and brown eyes. As I approached the table my phone buzzed, it was a text from Sebastian.

Seb ❤️:
how's everything going?

I just got here I'll text you after. Okay? Xx

Seb ❤️:
Okay, You do your thing. Just making sure you're okay. XXX


"Hey, Cassie." I smiled as I sat down next to Cassie,

"Hi. I'm Jake." The boy smiled at me

"Hi Jake, its good to meet you." I said taking in all his features,

"So what do we want to do today?" Cassie questioned,

"We can go to my house. All my roommates are inviting friends over for a small party." Jake suggested.

"Oh Yeah? And where do you live?" I asked him,

"On Greendale. It's a little far from here, not to far out of the way though." He shrugged

"Yeah let's go! The last time I went over there Brennen puked in the kitchen sink." Cassie laughed,

"Don't worry. Brennen will be there." Jake chuckled at Cassie causing her to turn a little red.

"Wait what time?" I asked,

It Started With a Lie and Ended With a KissWhere stories live. Discover now