Turn Squad HC: reaction to someone admitting their feelings

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Another request for hcs on tumblr, I thought I had posted it on here but I guess I forgot. Enjoy!

Benjamin Tallmadge: I think Ben would be shocked that you admitted you had feelings for him, like there's a good chance this man is gonna be speechless for what will feel like an eternity. Give him a minute and allow him to fully process what you just said. Once he processes it, I think he would be relieved that you told him, he's been trying to work up the courage to tell you his feelings for awhile now.

Benedict Arnold: I don't believe for a second that anyone in their right mind would have feelings for him. But let's pretend, shall we? He's gonna be a smug asshole about it, he just automatically assumes all women everywhere love him. Telling him you had feelings for him would just inflate his ego and it would probably be visible from space. Please don't tell him you have feelings for him, the world doesn't need that shit show.

Robert Townsend: I think he would be very caught off guard to find out that you had feelings for him, he might even wonder if you're lying to him. Actually, he probably assumes that you're lying to him. I think eventually over time he would return the feelings, but not in some grand gesture, Robert is all about those small and subtle gestures.

Caleb Brewster: He's gonna tease the fuck out of you about it, pretty much to the point where you regret ever telling him. It'll come from a place of love though. Plus, he would give you that cute smirk and you would remember that you love this dumb troublemaker.

Lafayette: I feel like it would depend on where you told him. Like if there were other people around, I feel like he would probably act like a proper gentleman about it, very respectful and chaste kiss on your cheek or hand. But if you were to tell when the two of you were alone, he would probably act like an excited puppy, I feel like he would pick you up and spin you around and probably trip over his own feet.

Alexander: I don't think he would be surprised that you had feelings for him, he figured it was just a matter of time before you fell for his charms.

Washington: I feel like he would just silently stare at you with that Dad™ look, probably to the point where you wish the earth would open up and swallow you whole. Also, he probably start talking about wood paneling to avoid talking about his feelings or he would just simply say "Thank you."

Edmund: This man will be a stuttering mess, he would be so excited but also a bit nervous that this is just another Anna situation. I think once he realizes that you actually mean it, he's gonna be over the moon.

Andre: I think he would already know before you say anything, he's just been waiting for you to say it. You would already be the most important person in his life at this point, so hearing you tell him that you're in love with him would just be icing on the cake.

Abe: For some reason, I picture you telling him as he's about to do something very stupid. I mean it's Abe, so this isn't exactly out of the realm of possibilities, ya know? Anyway, I think at first he would probably gloss over the fact you just told him that you're in love with him and keep telling you his dumb plans. Shake some sense into this boy and try again.

Rogers: First off, is he sober enough to remember? If not, you might have to wait until he's gonna be able to remember.

Ensign Baker: Oh, my sweet darling Baker boy. I love him so much I literally wanna cry. Telling him you had feelings for him would make him the happiest he's ever been in his life. All he really wants in life is to be loved and to have a family of his own, so knowing that you returned his feelings would be the best news he's ever heard. He would probably smile for days afterwards and tell everyone in a ten mile radius how lucky he is.

Akinbode: He is already fully aware that you're in love with him and has been for awhile now. When you finally tell him, he'll get that cocky smirk that kinda makes your heart melt and say something like "took you long enough to figure it out."

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