When Dawn Arrives (Anna Strong x Reader)

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When Dawn Arrives

Warnings: Mentions of death, other than that I don't think there's anything.

Word Count: 581-ish

Request: "What waking up with Anna would be like"

A/N: I am so sorry 🙈 this did not go in the direction I wanted it to. I really tried, but my stupid brain said nope. Anyway, this turned into an Anna x fem!reader, I hope that makes up for what you're about to read. 😬


You had been awake for awhile now, a small smile on your face as you watched Anna sleeping. The feeling of her soft skin against yours and her legs tangled with yours, it made you feel like your heart was going to burst out of happiness and break out of sadness all at once. But even with your conflicting emotions, all you wanted to do was lie there beside her for the rest of your life and pretend the world outside your bedroom door didn't exist.

The two of you had been inseparable growing up, but soon life and it's responsibilities and expectations pulled you away from each other. That was until the universe brought you back together, and soon it felt like you became each other's foundations. Anna was there holding your hand, as you buried your husband and child. You comforted her when they dragged Selah off to the Jersey, your home became hers after they nailed the bill of attainder to her front door. You held her together after she thought Selah died on that prison ship. She stood by your side as you felt your heart being ripped out of your chest watching Selah walk up to her and kiss her when Ben and his men invaded during the Battle of Setauket. You watched helplessly as she boarded a boat with after the the battle, and it took everything in you not to jump in the water and swim out to her after Anna jumped off the boat. The two you were only able to finally comfort each other behind the closed doors of your home.

You always knew the little world the two of had created for yourselves was never meant to last, but you convinced yourselves that you could make it last at least until the end of the war. That was until your parents decided it was time for you to remarry, they claimed that they wanted you to marry because they didn't feel safe having you, a young woman, alone in your home with a war going on. But you knew the truth, you were a young widow with money and land and your parents looked to increase their wealth and standing. It destroyed you when you told Anna and saw how broken she looked and knowing there was nothing you could do to fix her since you just was as broken as she was.

Now here you were, the day before your wedding, spending the morning in bed in the arms of the woman you loved wishing you could freeze time. You pulled Anna closer to you, pressing a kiss on her forehead, trying your best to hold back your tears. Anna slowly opens her eyes as you softly push a lock of her dark hair off of her face.

"Please don't cry, [Y/N]. If this is truly going to be our last day together, I won't have you spending it in tears." Anna said with a small smile as she wiped a tear away from your eye.

"Annie, I know that tomorrow I'm set to marry some stranger my parents have chosen for me, but I want you to know that you'll always be my one and only. I will never love him, or anyone else, as much I love you." You hold Anna tightly against you as you softly kiss her lips. The two of spend the rest of the morning in each other's arms, hoping to delay tomorrow's arrival for as long as possible.

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