Simcoe x Reader

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A/N: Another request from tumblr. 

Request: "Hello! I was wondering if you could write Simcoe reacting to your death? I really liked The Ghosts That We Knew and i really need more Simcoe in my life lol. Please and Thank you!"

You never intended to have feelings for the intimidating Captain Simcoe, the man currently staying at your family's estate

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You never intended to have feelings for the intimidating Captain Simcoe, the man currently staying at your family's estate. With the rising tensions between the British army and the Queen's rangers, you tried your best to keep to the background, careful not to draw attention to yourself, but somehow that only drew him in closer to you like a moth to a flame.

It was the small gestures that finally won your affections, like the poems and love letters he would slip under your bedroom door each morning, or how he insisted on personally escorting you into town. For all of his faults, he always made you feel safe when he was around. John enjoyed the fact that you smiled at him, he had grown accustomed to the looks of fear in everyone who surrounded him, but you always looked genuinely happy to be in his company. Your warmth and kindness seemed to find its way through his armor, and for the first time he didn't see his feelings for you as a weakness.

It was a cautious courtship, you and your family were keenly aware of the town's perception of John, but that wasn't the man you had come to know and grown to love. You tried your best to ignore the looks and the rude comments they would make whenever you were alone in town, you felt that everyone feared a different man than the one who held a place in your heart. But still, you weren't the naive young woman everyone thought you were. You loved John and only wanted to see the good in him, you also knew better than to tell him about the comments that were thrown at you, you understood that there was a much darker side to him lurking just below the surface.

It was becoming increasingly harder to tell where the real danger was coming from, between the constant threat of rebel attacks and the back and forth fighting of the soldiers and the rangers, the atmosphere had become unbearable. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before things spiraled out of control, you and your family would have never pictured yourselves in the middle of it all.

It was an unseasonably cold fall night, John and the Rangers had left early that morning on a new secret assignment, as you watched him ride away from your home, you prayed that wherever he was going he would be safe and return home to you unharmed. You went to bed that night, knowing your safety net was no longer across the hall, all you could do was cocoon yourself in blankets and let the thoughts of your future life together fill your head as you drifted off to sleep.

John was relieved to be in Setauket again, he had only been gone for a few days, but it still felt too long. He wouldn't show it around his fellow Queen's Rangers, but he missed you and couldnt wait to see you again.

As he rode through town, he barely paid any attention to the faces that surrounded him, especially since he was focused on getting home to you. Maybe if today had been a little different, he would have recognized that it wasn't just fear on the faces of the citizens of Setauket. Maybe if he looked around a little more he would have been better prepared for waited for him at home.

As he rode down the winding path down to your family's home is when he first noticed the lingering scent of something burning in the air. Once he was close enough to where your home once stood, all he saw before him was a pile of ashes and the skeleton of what used to be your home. As John got off of his horse, he stood still for a moment trying to survey his surroundings, searching for any signs of you among the chaos. As he looked over the place he had come to consider a home, he noticed the three large sized objects wrapped in white cloth placed a few feet from where the house once stood.

The man you had come to love was officially gone, John buried that version of himself alongside you. Instead he replaced it with a man fueled by a need for revenge and rage. The armor you had once chipped away at with your warmth and love became thicker and harder as John vowed never again to allow someone to see him the same way you did, that part of him was all for you and only for you.

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