Nothing's Gonna Hurt You (GW x Reader)

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Request: "Hello! I was wondering if you could include George Washington in The Ghosts That We Knew please? Your thing says requests are open-ish so i hope im not bothering you lol"

Warnings: Character death (shocker, I know), mentions of blood

A/N: This is unedited and un-beta'ed, so yea. Enjoy some terrible writing. I figured I would post this while I continue work on a couple of other projects.

Again, if there are any characters you want to see, please feel to send in a request!


"Please, George. You require all of the other women in camp to help out, why should I be exempt?" You ask, sitting in bed waiting for George to join you.

"Because my dear, those other women are not my wife," he responds without looking away from the two notes in his hands.

You get out of bed and walk over to him, "my love, think about how that looks to the other wives and their husbands. Those poor women have to work in order to remain in camp with their families or face being drummed out." You stand behind him, wrapping your arms across his chest and resting your head on his shoulder. "They keep the camp running, while I contribute nothing. I just want to help."

George let's out a sigh, knowing it is always easier to just give into whatever it is you ask of him and then it is convince you otherwise. It was common knowledge amongst George's military family that his young wife has the most powerful man in the colonies wrapped around her little finger. He was aware of what some of the men said about your relationship, but George was perfectly happy and wouldn't have it any other way.

"I make no promises, [Y/N], but I give you my word that I shall think about it."

"That is all I ask, love." You kiss him on his neck. "Now, General Washington, I believe it is time you join me in bed." You slide your hands down his chest.

"Look at this," He holds up the two notes up to your face, "these two documents appear identical, but one is a forgery, but I cannot tell which one."

You let out a defeated sigh, resting your forehead against his shoulder as you take the notes from him, stepping closer to the candlelight so you can get a better look at the paper in your hands. You take a few moments closely looking at the notes comparing them to one another. "This is one is different." You hold out the note in your left hand, "I would need to see it in better light, but to me the ink looks off. Now will you please come to bed?"

George takes the forged note out of your hand and starts to inspect it again. "I have been looking at these all day and did not notice that. How on earth did you notice it?"

"That, my love, is a secret. However, if you were to take me to bed, I might be persuaded to tell you all my secrets."

"You are a fierce negotiator, Mrs. Washington." George laughs. "Maybe I should send you to Congress to ask for money and supplies." George playfully suggests as the two of you climb into bed.

"Are you trying to get rid of me already, my dearest General? And to think I traveled all this way to be with you." You tease, curling up next to him.

"Never, my love. I intend to keep you by my side for as long as possible. Although I do admit, I'd like to see if you could get better results than I do." George muses as he kisses your temple before leaning over to blow out the bedside candle.

The following afternoon you were walking through camp taking in the sights and sounds of everything. You were lost in your thoughts when you hear someone calling your name, you turn around to see one of George's many aide-de-camp walking towards you.

"Mrs. Washington, I am glad I have finally found you." The auburn haired man said.

"Tench! Oh it has been far too long, are you feeling better? The last letter I received from George, he mentioned you were unwell." You greeted him.

"I am feeling much better, thank you, ma'am." Tench cleared his throat before continuing, "the General wanted me to introduce you Major Tallmadge. Apparently you are to help him with a project." Tench escorts you a large tent attached to a cart and introduces you to the men George wanted you to assist.

Over the course of several weeks, you work closely with Mr. Sackett and Major Tallmadge organize and assisting them, occasionally speaking to George on their behalf. That was until two men made their way into camp, each telling a different story of a plot against George.

You were never intended to sit in on any interrogations, you just happened to be inside Mr. Sackett's tent helping him with paperwork when he walked in with a tall blonde British officer that he introduced as Lt. Sutherland. You sat next to Mr. Sackett taking notes while he questioned the officer about his mission, Major Andre and any other information the man was willing to share.

Major Tallmadge paved the small shack, trying to make sense of Shanks' story, he had the man run the story over and over until Ben finally asked him about the encounter that brought him back to the Continental army camp, Benjamin's blood ran cold upon hearing Bill Shanks' description of the man who was overheard plotting with Major Andre. Ben sent one of the guards to fetch Washington to meet him at Sackett's cart, hoping to god that he wasn't already too late.

Somehow George and Billy reached the cart first, finding all of Nathaniel's carefully organized belongings stained with blood and scattered about the space. George's eye was immediately drawn to your figure laying at the bottom of the steps leading up to the cart, he felt his heart shatter as he sees your feeble attempts to stop the bleeding. He couldn't recall making his way over to you since it seemed like in the blink of an eye George was kneeling on the ground cradling you in arms, trying to stop the bleeding from the wound on your neck. He is no longer focused on what was happening around him, it felt like you and George were the only two people in the entire known universe.

George felt all of time and space come to a standstill as he held you and looked into your eyes watching the light slowly fade away. He silently promises himself to commit the feeling of your soft, bloodstained hands on his face to memory. He tries his best not focus on the sounds of your increasingly shallow dying breaths, instead he thinks of the sound of your laughter at his terrible jokes. The look of fear and panic in your beautiful eyes is enough to make George's blood run cold as he begs for you to hold on, so instead his mind replaces it with the way you would look at him whenever you would dance together.

George watches as the lips he always looked forward to kissing, mumbling a final farewell that he wasn't able to hear over the chaos that surrounded him. The world around him crumbled to the ground and turned to ashes as he felt your hands fall away from his face and the light in your eyes flicker out. The once stoic commander of the Continental army was plunged into darkness as he cradled your lifeless body in his arms.

George was so sure that he was right. Right in his assessment of the intelligence brought to camp by a turncoat who he was convinced just wanted to earn a few extra dollars and forgiveness for his past crimes. He felt like he was doing the right thing when he decided to keep you by his side, where he could make sure you were safe. He thought he had given you a safe job, one where you would constantly surrounded by men that he trusted.

George would spend the rest of his days mourning you and wondering how he could've been so wrong.

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