Turn Squad Head Canons

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So this was a request I got on tumblr, I figured I'd share it on here..enjoy!

Request: "Can you do some turn bois head canons? Like little domestic things they do with you?"

Request: "Can you do some turn bois head canons? Like little domestic things they do with you?"

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Caleb Brewster:

He constantly sings to you

Whenever you're having trouble sleeping, he'll hold you in his arms and softly sing until you fall asleep

Expect a lot of "liberated" gifts

He'll always be able to find those items you need/want

New items will just magically appear

You: Caleb, where did this come from?
Caleb: *does that cute head tilt & smirk* Do you really wanna know?

If you have children together, your nightly routine together will consist of the two of you tucking the children into bed

When Caleb tells a bedtime story, 99.99% of the time it will not be appropriate for children ("There are baby ears in the corn field, Caleb!")

He'll make up for any and all inappropriate stories, with a trademark lullaby

He'll make up for any and all inappropriate stories, with a trademark lullaby

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Benjamin Tallmadge:

He is protective
Which means if the two of you are doing chores around the house, he's not going to let you do anything he seems would be too much for you

"That looks too heavy for you, let me get it."

"You've done enough for today, go sit down and let me finish."

But it also means that if someone says something bad about you or hurts you, Ben will go after them like an attack dog. You should probably pray for them.

He's been working on his own version of Washington's death glare. It seems pretty effective so far.

You insist on doing his queue each morning

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