The Ghosts That We Knew (Turn x Reader)

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The Ghosts That We Knew (Turn guys x reader)

Request: "How do the bois (Turn) react to your death? Can be dead or dying."

Words: 2449

Warnings: Lots of death, just so much death. Various means of death.

Summary: Just a bunch of different scenarios of the men of Turn reacting to the death of the reader.

A/N: Yikes, you guys. There's nothing like going about your day thinking of various ways to kill off a character. I only did four of the men of Turn. If you really want me to do the other characters, please let me know. ​

Benjamin Tallmadge:

Ben spent his nights vividly recalling his last moments with you, the feeling of you quietly getting out of your shared cot in the early hours of the morning just before sunrise, while trying your best not to wake him but once he felt the warmth o...

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Ben spent his nights vividly recalling his last moments with you, the feeling of you quietly getting out of your shared cot in the early hours of the morning just before sunrise, while trying your best not to wake him but once he felt the warmth of your body leave his side, he opened his eyes and began to search for you. He sat up beside you, pressing a kiss onto your exposed shoulder.

"You should come back to bed, [Y/N], it's still far too early for you to be awake." He whispered into you ear as he pushes your hair aside so that he can press another kiss onto the delicate skin of your neck, he could see your cheeks start to flush as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.

"Well, my dearest Mr. Tallmadge, as much I would rather stay here in bed with you, I fear that General Washington will not be pleased with either one of us if I miss my boat into the city and I for one do not want to be drummed out of camp. I'll only be gone for no more than a week, I promise. After that, I will never leave your side again." You turn to face him, placing a hand on his cheek and softly kissing his lips.

Now more than a month later, after receiving no news or intelligence from you, he was being summoned into General Washington's tent. His heart filled with hope that he would be greeted with your beautiful smiling face, he promised himself in that moment if you were there, he was never letting you out of his sight ever again. Instead when he opened the tent flaps, he was met with the defeated faces of Hamilton and Washington. His confusion quickly turned into a panic as he stood in front of the General while listening to Hamilton reading a letter out loud detailing your arrest on your way out of the city and how they had found the intelligence you had gathered on your person.

Before Hamilton was able to finish reading the letter, Ben swiftly stepped over to him and snatched it out of his hands.

"Please, Sir, I have to save her. We have to do something; we can do a prisoner exchange, anything. I can't let them hang her. Please, Sir, not her." Benjamin pleaded with the General as his voice broke and tears began to fall down his cheeks.

"I am sorry, Benjamin, there is nothing that I can do for her. I suggest you let Col. Hamilton finish reading the letter." The General gently removed the balled up letter from the clutches of Ben's hand and returns it to Hamilton. Alexander quietly resumed reading the letter out loud.

Pretty VacantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora