As the game got ready the two used the same kind of Monsters. The Hunter used Wild Spider again and if she remembered it's weak point was the face. During the whole Monster Fighter craze she did pick up some information.

  Yami's monster was muscular but still sleek, it should be faster and the face can't be it's weak point, She noted. Much like Jonouchi the Hunter liked attacking and would continue until he overwhelmed his opponent. 

  While they were playing fair, Yugi would more likely still loose to this relentless onslaught of attacks. The Hunter finally found a chink as he attacked before Yami could block it. But trust Yami to find a way, he knocked the spider monster off-balance before continuing an onslaught for the face. 

   The Spider was almost done for except the Hunter side kicked Yami. "I thought they were playing fair now !" She booed from the sidelines. "Gar !" Her pokemon agreed vehemently. The Spider, no longer frozen bent over and crawled under Yami's monster's chest....And hurled it into the air !!!

  "Air Combo 'Spider Death Trap' !" The Hunter celebrated. 

"Yami !" She ran to him as he panted, bent down and white faced. She ran her hand on his body. Yami had been hit in the stomach with those three shots and she was unsure of what to do to help. Well besides repaying the Hunter with some revenge.

  "Alice, no surprise your here. I'll be fine, I just have to continue," Yami replied as he got up and straightened himself. 

   "Nagumo...You've pushed me too far. Now I'm serious," Yami warned before taking off his shirt to reveal the dark colored vest with it's many buckles. "Until now, This was only a First-level Game of Darkness... But for the final set, The Darkness will rise to Level Three !

  Prepare yourself, Naguno !"


The Game of Darkness  will reveal your true and ugly nature ! He thought. He was not happy at all about that dirty shot and in front of Alice as well.


"Nagumo...You won't be able to use your tricks in this round !" Yami warned. While the Hunter replied she was only thinking about the 'Level' Yami had spoken about. She never knew there were levels and that Yami went easy on his opponents.

   Well if you could call their punishments easy...

As the final game began Yami focused on guarding and trying to off-balance his opponent.  With a punch to the face the spider froze. Just like before however. "Then let's do this one more time ! I'll kick you in the gut !! And then I'll win !!"

  This guy never learned even through he had been playing a shadow game. Lifting his leg however the Hunter found he could not move it.

 "I told you, Nagumo. You can't cheat at this game ! Look at your feet !" Yami informed.

All the Monsters the Hunter had stolen had become alive and grabbed at the Hunter's leg.  Even his Spider Monster was helping out. It looked like it had enough.

  "It looks like your Monsters refuse to take part in your evil ! Your fighting alone ! No Monsters will support you ! Now that you've betrayed your Monster's Trust.....Your only remaining ally is the monster you really are !"

   The monster he had been using bent down while it's face morphed in his but in absolute agony. With that Yami attacked.

"You were the one who chose to become such a monster," Yami informed as the Hunter's fallen form was enveloped by darkness. 

"Alice," Yami's voice warned her. "Yes," She answered as she felt a chill. "You know you should not follow me when I play Shadow Games, you could get hurt," He warned her. "It's fine, after all I was with you. This whole world is dangerous but the safest spot is right next to you," She replied as she hoped it would butter him up.

  A faint blush warmed his cheeks but Yami did not look away. "You still have to pay the penalty." Taking something out of his pocket she saw it was her Digital Pet game.

   That should be in her pocket ! As if to prove it was her's Namid bounded into view. "Punishment Game," Yami brought out Yu-2 which he continued to connect with Namid.

   Unlike last time Namid was unable to escape for even a second as the evolved Yu-2 had her pinned down in record time. "I'm suing Jonouchi for this !" She yelled as she cursed Joe's owner who was no doubt responsible for Yu-2 wild and dominate behavior.

"I'm sure Namid is enjoying Yu-2's attention," Yami drawled. "Which is what will be happening to you when we get home," He added making her flush red.

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