I sighed. "I don't know right now, honestly. I'll think about it though," I said once I heard the bell ring.

I grabbed my things and rushed out of the classroom before he could even ask me anything else about tutoring him. I walked down the crowded hallways and downstairs to the first floor so I could get to my locker. Luckily, Seniors get lockers on the first floor, so my route around the school wasn't as strenuous as last school year when I was a Junior.

I pulled my locker open and shoved my morning books inside before pulling out the books I needed for the afternoon. I shoved my Journalism book into my backpack and zipped it up so I could get to class before I was late. I slammed my locker close and was on my way to class when I saw Malaysia coming down the hallway with the some of the boys from the track team behind her. I just shook my head and was so close to walking away when she called me back.

"Shit," I mumbled, before turning around and putting a fake smile on my face. "Hey?"

She smiled and pulled me closer to her. "Hey girl. I just wanted to introduce you to a few of the guys from the team. This is Joey, Blake and Derrick. THey're on the track team. And guys this is my bestie and my cousin Victoria. She's kinda new around here."

I didn't want to be rude to these guys who didn't know the beef going on between Malaysia and I, so I just smiled at them. "Hey. Um, Malaysia I really need to head to class before I'm late."

She laughed. "Yeah, 'cause yo' Daddy gon' beat yo' ass when he hears about you being late. I wouldn't even play when it comes to him."

I nodded my head and walked down the hallway so I could get away from her. I had nothing against her or anybody else but I wish everybody knew me for me, and not for what my Dad did years ago. I'll admit that he did do a lot to bring himself up, but I wish I could do the same and not live in his shadow, Mama's shadow or even the shadow of being Deonte's little sister. It gets annoying after awhile when I can't just be myself.

When I walked into my Journalism class, I took my seat along the side of the classroom next to Teddy. This was one of the two classes that the two of us had together, and while I didn't like it as much, Teddy somehow loved it. The teacher was pretty nice and adored Teddy, so she practically let him get away with whatever he wanted. 

"Hi Mrs. Mann," I said to the teacher, who was sitting at her desk.

See, Mrs. Mann was a character and really should have been teaching drama like she said she did last school year. For some strange reason, she believes just because her last name is Mann that she's related to Tamela Mann when we all know she's not. She claims she's related to her by her third cousin on her Father's side. We all know she's crazy but Teddy's the only person that entertains her nonsense, so she loves him for it.

"Hello Miss. McDonald," She sang, because she claim she was also an undiscovered gem in the music industry.

I sat back in my seat and waited as the rest of the class filled into the classroom, including Teddy who was my desk partner, or writing partner, as Mrs. Mann liked to call the people we shared a table with. Teddy slid into the seat next to me and sat his bag down on the top of our table.

"I missed you at lunch baby," He said as he scooted his chair closer to mine. 

I smiled. "I missed you too. How'd you hold up without me?"

"I didn't. Hazel and Rob were all hugged up and Nate and Rick had them some hoes, so I was jus' sittin' there. I thought about comin' into Marshall's room to see you but I gave you some space and went to the library to study for my test on Friday."

I shook his shoulders. "That's good Theodore. So, do you feel prepared?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Ion even know right now. I think I'mma need some extra help from my favorite tutor," He smirked.

In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now