In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4

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I wish I could say time changes everyone for the better, but it doesn't. Sometimes, people show their true colors when you're in too deep and others just cave from the pressure. It's survival of the fittest, where the fittest survive and everyone else kicks the bucket.

Ever feel like you're in too deep? You're making all of it up as you go along and at any moment you're gonna be called out? Ever feel like just giving up on it all and finally coming clean? But you can't. You're too deeply caught up in your own stories that you probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a lie and the truth.

Khalil Gibran said, "Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness." If it's a deep kindness how come you can't come clean to your friends and family about your mislead life? You're so afraid to come clean that you're covering up one facade with another, which is only making everyone else around you do the same thing.

Victoria McDonald, one of the main contributors to the lies and the mislead soul out of the group. She's got plenty of secrets to hide from her friends, best friend and even her parents, Effrin and Sincere. She should be used to lying since she was bought up on a lifestyle based on the one's her parents, who have been through hell and back, tried so hard to erase. But you can't erase the truth, right?

Malaysia Palmer, the biggest, most secretive one out of the group. She can't keep her mouth closed nor can she keep her legs closed. She's loose, open-minded, and always ready to suck and duck the next drug dealer, get a piece of some dough from the latest nigga on the block, or even get down and dirty with some unknown stragglers on the street.

Hazel King, the quiet, reserved one, who's always been there for her friends, especially Victoria. She's the shoulder to cry on, the tough one out of the group, the rock. She's always there for everyone else, but who's going to be there for her when she gets so deep into her new lifestyle that she can't even bear to look at her scarred face in the mirror anymore?

Follow the trials and tribulations of the up and coming generation of the new girls on the block. Meet Victoria McDonald, daughter of Effrin and Sincere, Malaysia Palmer, the adopted daughter of Marlon and Tiana, and Hazel King, the daughter of Jason and Dawn. Follow these three girls through a story full of pain, pleasure, abuse, misery and defeat.

Will these girls be able to face the demons in front of them or will they get too caught up in their problems, that they don't even realize they're In Too Deep?



In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now