Chapter 12

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"School is a good place for you to be. Why aren't you there?"

I sucked my teeth as I leaned on the building I was standing in front of selling for Benny. I wasn't in school today because I had to sell. There's no way in hell I'm going to make this money for Benny just sitting around, so I knew I was going to have to go out and start selling. It's the only thing that's keeping me alive, because without it Benny and his goons would have killed me a week ago.

"Because I'm too busy taking care the shit you left behind for me to deal with," I told my Dad.

For some reason today, he had the balls to call me after disappearing for over a week. He called like nothing had even happened, so I was going to treat him the same why I've been feeling since I found out he left. Like shit. I've been feeling like shit for the past week, so I wasn't going to allow his erratic behavior to slide.

He sighed. "What? You talking about Benny and them? They ain't gonna do shit to you but rough you up a bit. I thought I raised a man."

"Don't talk to me like that. You ain't shit for leaving me behind to do this shit for you. I'm more of a man than you'll ever be," I replied.

He laughed. "That's funny. That's real funny. You're an ungrateful little bitch, that I should have got rid of years ago when your damn Mom left. Obviously she didn't want shit to do with you."

"Nah, she didn't want shit to do with your trifling ass."

"Maybe so, but I had a Mama. You didn't," He boasted but it didn't mean anything to me. I'm sure my Mama wasn't shit just like him. She couldn't handle taking care of a kid so she left. So, in my book that means she ain't shit, just like my dumb ass Dad who can't take care of a kid either.

"Fuck you old bastard," I spoke and immediately hung up.

I turned my phone off and shoved it down in my pocket. I knew he was going to try calling me back but I really didn't want to talk to him, or anybody else. I just wanted to sell the rest of this weed and cocaine by the time Benny's workers got back to check my earnings. I wasn't trying to fall short. I wanted to do the best that I can so that maybe Benny will give me a break if he sees me trying. It might not happen, but it's worth trying.


I looked up at Mr. McDonald's car as he stopped in front of me. He waved me over to his car, before he even gave me a chance to speak. I stood up from the building and made my way over to his car. I climbed inside, just as he began rolling up his windows so we were trapped inside of his car that he was hot boxing in.

"I talked to Sincere, and of course she already knew about what happened to your Dad."

"Alright," I replied, waiting on him  to continue.

"If it was up to me, I would let you pay that $145,000 on your own but she had a fit about how I should help you out, so I paid the $45,000 but you're gonna have to come up with the rest. That's as much as I can loan out to you."

"Loan?" I asked.

"Hell yeah 'loan', my nigga. What? You thought I was just going to give you $50,000? You trippin'."

"How am I supposed to pay it off?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Definitely not selling dope, that's for sure. I need a maintenance man over at the club while my other one is on vacation and I need some other work done at the house, but that's your monthly rent."

I scrunched up my face. "Rent? Since we did I have to pay rent to stay at Victoria's place?"

He laughed. "Victoria's place? Nah. Me and Sincere's place. She's just living there until she's legally old enough to get the hell out, same with Te and E.J."

In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now