Top 3 favorite tropes

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So, a lot of people think all tropes/cliches are bad. Yeah, some are, but there are also some I absolutely ADOOOORRRRREEEEE!!! I'm really bored, so I'mma just list my favorites....

Here are my favorites in to particular order:

1) forbidden romance

Basically, by all laws of the earth these two people are not supposed to be together, but love each other anyway.

Maybe it's because their families hate each other

Or maybe they're two different species who aren't supposed to be together because it isn't socially correct.

Whatever it is, I LIVE FOR IT!

2) Tsundere

Mioda and Lunar better not be thinking what I think they're thinking!!

Yes, I really love the Tsundere trope, BUT I AM NOT ONE!!!

I just think it's kinda funny and adorable!!

I also like to see the girls PUNCH their love interest. And they would be the head of the thot/perv  patrol because they can beat anyone's ass.

3) I don't know what it's called but I'll explain

When they are internet friends and they know each other in real life as well but think they are two different people. If that makes sense.

Like, they could have a crush on each other on the internet but despise each other in real life because of one little slip up that they are too stubborn to forgive and don't take the time to get to know eachother??

I don't know, but I love it.

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