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Not long after the birth of her new sister, Emma got back into hunting with Jasper. It got her out of the house and doing something bloody to keep her mind off of the new baby and how her parents seemed to forget about her most days. Dean and Castiel were alright with Emma hunting again as long as she promised to be safe and her grades didn't start dropping. Safe she was and her grades stayed excellent. Every once in a while, Gabriel and Sam would come along but that depended on their busy schedules and if they just wanted an escape. Jasper was just excited about coming along.

Over a three day weekend, Emma decided to go after a werewolf in Delaware and brought Jasper along for the ride. Since they were both underage, a lot of hunting consisted of sneaking in and out of morgues or hospitals in the dead of night or pretending to be oblivious teenagers snapping pictures for Instagram at a crime scene. This case was a lot of being there at the right time before someone else found the body. Jasper never understood how his girlfriend could run around all over the place but never seem tired; he wrote it off as part of her angel side.

Speaking of which, though the angels could no longer locate and track a Miss Emma Park-Winchester, that didn't mean they couldn't track a certain demon child she hung out with. All throughout the hunt, two angels that were getting sick of her flying by without getting consequences (and they had never liked Castiel so her being his adopted daughter was only fuel to their fire). The angels eventually caught up to the pair at a small cafe. Emma and Jasper were sitting across from each other, trying to talk about two separate things in hushed tones, picking at their food.

"Jas, seriously, we have to focus on the case." Emma scolded harshly before taking a sip of her water. Jasper shrugged slightly.

"I'm just saying, Em. Don't pretend you haven't noticed it too." Emma rolled her eyes, stealing one of her boyfriend's french fries with a small smirk. Jasper laughed slightly. "Emma! Stop dancing around the topic." He scolded in return. Emma fluttered her eyelashes.

"What topic?" She asked, feigning innocence. Jasper loved the half-angel but at times she could be too much like her adoptive dad that it aggravated him. "The topic of the case we're trying to solve?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly as she stole another one. Jasper took a sip of his soda, staring at Emma as if he were peering into her soul.

"So you're perfectly content with the way things are at home?" He asked her. Emma tensed. Jasper smirked slightly. "With the baby and everything?" He expanded. "Sure, Dean and Cas are spending more time with MJ but you're okay with that, aren't you?" Emma frowned, sighing.

"You're evil." She muttered. Jasper chuckled as the angels advanced on the pair. They walked up to the table, their angel blades hidden, and sparked a conversation with the two. Emma instantly grew wary of the two mysterious figures. "Can we help you?"

"Where are your parents, young ones?" The angel using a female vessel asked in a fake motherly tone. Emma shot a glance at Jasper who was staring intently at the two people in front of him.

"We're on a date." She explained without skipping a beat. "And we're sixteen, our parents don't have to babysit us anymore." The other angel who was using a male vessel raised an eyebrow. "We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves." Jasper smiled, awing over Emma. He always loved how she could carry on with a lie.

"But surely there's stuff you still need to know." The male angel stated. Emma rolled her eyes, her hands reaching her pocket where she kept her silver switchblade when she was out hunting. "Like how to tell the good from the bad people." Jasper perked up upon hearing that, Emma gripped the blade.

"I think I can do that quite remarkably, thank you very much." She retorted. The angels laughed. Jasper started getting concerned and interested in the conversation. Emma sent him a look attempting to say run; he didn't pay her any attention.

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