Daddy Drama

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"Emma, this is. . . This is your father, Emma. This is Balthazar." Emma's look saddened as she gazed to the floor. Dean raised an eyebrow. "Okay, that's not the reaction I thought she was gonna give." Charlie walked up behind Emma and touched her shoulder, Emma didn't move.

"What's wrong, Em?" Sam asked. Emma looked up slightly at Balthazar who was giving her a warm smile until he caught her gaze and it fell.

"I think it's because of me." He explained. Emma didn't say anything. "Look, I realize that now might not be a good time to-"

"You left." Emma cut off, shocking everyone not only at that fact that she spoke but at the harshness of it too. Balthazar moved his hands to in front of him, one grasping the other. "You didn't even stay the day I was born." You could here the hurt in her voice. "What? Was I- was I not good enough for you?" Balthazar blinked. "I was a baby, what did you expect?" Emma blinked this time; everyone else watched, mesmerized by their interaction. "Or was it because- was it because of these." Emma's wings fluttered before wrapping around her just like they did two years ago.

"Emma." Balthazar whispered breathlessly. Emma shook her head slightly and took a step back.

"Why'd you come? It wasn't for me." She added quickly. "I can sense it." Balthazar looked down. "You didn't even know I was here, you came here for the Winchesters." She narrowed her eyes. "Because. . ." Her eyes widened. "Because Lucifer and Crowley teamed up and are looking for a nephilim. A nephilim that has been on Heaven's radar for fifteen years." Emma took another step back, running into Charlie. "And you didn't think for a second that it would be your daughter?" Dean's mouth fell open. That sounded a whole lot like him.

"Emma." Balthazar repeated, taking a step forward. Emma shook her head before running off. Nobody bothered to run after her, they knew she had to handle it herself and they were still entranced until Charlie spoke up.

"Food's cold." She alerted everyone. Dean snorted.

"I don't think that's the most important thing right now, Charlie." He stated. Balthazar stared off at where Emma had gone, not paying them much attention. "Is that true?" Dean asked. Balthazar didn't respond right away. He blinked before looking back to Dean.

"Yes, actually, I did come here for your help because Lucifer and Crowley teamed up and are looking for a nephilim that Heaven has been looking for for fifteen years."

"And did you ever think that that nephilim was your daughter?" Sam asked gently. Balthazar looked to the floor.

"No." Castiel answered for him, head tilted to the side like normal. The two angels had been unusually quiet this whole time. "You didn't."

"Castiel, don't turn on me now."

"Why shouldn't he?" Gabriel questioned. "You were too focused on stopping our brother that you forgot about the chance that he's going after your daughter. What kind of father are you? Not stopping for a second to think of protecting your daughter." Gabriel stood up from his seat by the table.

While the Winchesters, angels, and Bradbury were distracted, Emma sat cross-legged on her bed staring blankly at her television that was shut off. The lights in her room weren't on because she didn't bother with turning them on when she ran in. A tear rolled down her cheek as she stared on absentmindedly. She snapped out of her daze when she heard someone walk up from behind click their tongue.

"Poor, innocent, little Emma." They cooed. Emma blinked as she stared at the man who was wearing a soft looking beige shirt with a thin blue jacket on top. The first thing Emma took from him was his wings. His large hot pink, covered in glitter wings. They were the same size as Gabriel's golden wings which told Emma that he was an archangel but she couldn't name which one. "A nobody that won the hearts of my naive younger brothers and the pathetic Winchesters."

Which archangel was he? Rang throughout Emma's brain as she ransacked it for an answer. She couldn't see his grace; she never could when it came to Gabriel. "Who are you?" The archangel laughed and threw his head back.

"I'm hurt." He commented. "That you don't know which one I am." He stopped walking once he reached the foot of her bed, leaning down on it, staring Emma straight in the eyes. She flinched and moved back closer to the head of the bed. "And to think, you could read your daddy so easily." The archangel said with a smirk.

"Lucifer." The name came out of her mouth before it came to her mind. Lucifer smiled.

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!" He exclaimed, moving further up on the bed. Emma moved back again, eyes darting from Lucifer to the door but she didn't call out. She was nervous and scared like their was no tomorrow but she didn't cry out for Gabriel or Castiel using angel radio. Because she knew the archangel in front of her would hear her. "So innocent and weak. . ." He cooed, smiled transforming into a smirk again. "But so powerful. You can level cities, destroy worlds!" Lucifer frowned. "But you can't with dumb and dumber protecting you."

"What do you want from me?" Lucifer laughed.

"Oh, sweet, sweet Emma. It's not what I want but what I'll do." Lucifer sprang up and topped her, pinning her down on the bed. With a wicked smirk on his lips Lucifer knocked her out and gagged her. The last thing that was heard in that room was the sound of wings flapping then a faint whoosh.

"Gabriel, do you honestly understand why I left her fifteen years ago?!" Balthazar yelled in the trickster's face that was now inches from his. "It was to protect her!"

"Protect her? Protect her how exactly? Her mother didn't know what to do and Emma was just a baby!" Gabriel yelled back, taking a step forward. "Protecting her would've been telling her mother what to do before you up and vanished. Before you walked away from your family." Balthazar took a step back and went to say something when Charlie ran in. She had gone to check on Emma a second ago but was greeted by an empty room.

"Guys, Emma's missing!" She exclaimed, earning the attention of Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Gabriel stepped back from his brother to look Charlie in the eyes.

"Why didn't she call out?" He asked. "Why didn't she use angel radio? Cassie, did you get anything on angel radio?" Gabriel's eyes were wide. He loved the little nephilim and couldn't stand the thought of anyone laying a finger on his precious angel.

"No." Came the younger angel's reply. "Gabriel, calm down. We'll find her." Gabe spun on his heels to meet his baby brother's eyes.

"No, we won't. Not if she didn't use angel radio. What if-" Gabe cut himself off. "What if they killed her."

"They wouldn't have killed her, Gabe." Sam tried to reason. "Not when Heaven and Hell are looking for her." Gabe shook his head.

"Then why didn't she use angel radio?" The room got quiet.

"An angel took her." Dean mumbled. "She wouldn't have cried out for you two using angel radio if an angel was the one taking her." Gabe froze.

"Lucifer." He breathed out. "Lucifer took her."

"We don't know that." Balthazar reasoned. "Somebody else could've taken her."

"Are you kidding?! You came here asking for help to stop Lucifer and Crowley from taking a nephilim- your nephilim and you're just gonna stand there and act like nothing's wrong? Your daughter is missing!"

"I know that, Gabriel! That's why I'm coming with you to save her."

The Winchesters' NephilimOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz