Driver's Ed

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Dean and Emma had gone on their own hunt to stop a shapeshifter that was taking the form of a loved one that had past away to kill the living one in their sleep. Since the only fake FBI badge Emma had said 'Emma Stark', they went as the father-daughter duo that had gotten Emma's interest in hunting in the first place. Dean had always loved the smile that came onto her face when she was out with them. 

But they had just found and killed the shapeshifter so they were running back to the Impala to head home; Dean was in the lead but Emma wanted to get to the car first, she needed the hours for driver's ed anyway. Seeing as she wasn't going to out run him anytime soon, Emma shed her trench coat that was getting scratched up by the branches they were running past and stretched her wings before taking off. Dean, who only saw a flash of white before finding his daughter in the air, started yelling after her but she was already pulling ahead. 

When Dean finally caught up to her, Emma was already sitting in the drivers seat in the Impala, the keys in the ignition and her hands on the steering wheel. So Dean politely sat in the passengers seat before getting too uncomfortable with the seating arrangement. 

"Nu-uh, no way, nope, nada! You are not driving Baby." He declared. Emma looked up at him in exasperation as she threw her hands up.

"Why not, dad?!" She asked. Ever since she enrolled in driver's ed Dean had started acting more and more protective over his baby, going as far as not letting Emma anywhere near it even if the five of them had to go anywhere. He would force her to teleport saying she needed the practice anyway. This hunt was a different story, he didn't want his angel getting hurt from teleporting.

"Because you are not going to drive my Baby." Emma groaned in annoyance before shutting up almost instantly, a smirk painting her face. Dean raised an eyebrow at her actions, already getting fed up that she wouldn't listen to him. "What are you doing? Why did you get so quiet? What are you plotting?" Emma's smirk only grew.

"You'll see." She responded. A second later both Winchesters heard a whoosh which was followed by Castiel appearing in the backseat who looked ticked off at his husband- the two had decided to get married shortly after adopting the sweet nephilim. "Pops, dad won't let me drive the Impala." Emma whined. Dean glared at her before looking at the pissed off angel in the backseat. Over the coarse of Dean's sudden over-protectiveness towards the Impala, Castiel's patience for it was cutting thin. He had no idea why Dean wouldn't let their daughter anywhere near the car and it drove him crazy because of it and because it was getting annoying. 

"Dean, I've had it with you not letting our daughter drive the car." Castiel stated with an oddly calm tone. "She needs the practice if she wants to get her license." 

"But she doesn't need a license!" The hunter argued. Castiel folded his arms over his chest and just stared at his husband. "She can just poof everywhere!" 

"And risk getting her caught?" Castiel retorted. "What happens when she 'poofs' her way over to a friends house and they catch her and flip out? Or what happens when we send her to the store for groceries or something and someone outside sees her just appear out of nowhere?" Castiel's tone stayed very calm which frightened Dean more than any monster he had ever faced. Emma on the other hand was watching her parents argue with a grin on her face. "You're not only risking her safety but you're risking her protection from getting experimented on- our protection of keeping her out of harm's way." Dean looked down to his lap, his fingers playing with his wedding band that he still couldn't believe was there. Castiel tilted his head as watched Dean. "But her being able to poof everywhere isn't the problem, is it?" Dean didn't look up. Emma's shit-eating grin fell when he never gave an answer.

"Dad?" Emma spoke up. "What's the real reason you don't want me to get my license?" Dean mumbled something under his breath. "What did you say?"

"I said," Dean breathed out barely above a whisper, "that the real reason is because I don't want you to grow up so fast." Emma was speechless. "I didn't have that good of a childhood and I don't think you did either with having to live off the streets and everything so I just want you to enjoy the remaining part of it." Emma smiled warmly at her adoptive father. "And maybe I don't want to see my little angel grow up either. 

"I know you've legally been my daughter for almost a year but I've been your guardian for three and I've watched you blossom from this shy little girl that thought she deserved nothing to this brilliant, outgoing, overachieving young woman that isn't afraid to stand up to what she believes in and I don't want to let you go just yet. Because first it's your driver's license then you're moving out and going to college and then it's being able to drink and then marriage and then kids and before I know it, I've lost my little girl.

"So it's not that I don't trust you, I do, I trust you with my life Em, it's just I don't want to see you grow up so soon. I once took care of this boy- the son of a former girlfriend of mine- and the three of us were happy together. But then I got dragged back into the business and lost them because people like me, well, we can't have perfect lives like that. I had to give up someone that I thought of as a son and someone who thought of me as a father and I just. . . I just couldn't live with it. But now I have you and I don't want to give you up either, Em. You and Cas are the best things that have ever happened to me." Emma's vision was blurring from unshed tears, Dean had some pooling in his eyes as well. Castiel watched from the backseat, a smile spreading as the two pulled each other in for a hug. 

"You've never gonna lose me dad, I'll always be your little girl whether I'm related to you are not or if I'm married or not. I'll still come visit you and pops and I can always just teleport home when I miss the two of you." Emma told him. Dean just pulled her tighter, his hands wrapping around her like she was going to disappear. Emma's beautiful white wings wrapped around him in their own hug. "I love you, dad." 

"Love you too, angel." Emma pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes with the backs of her hands. 

"But no chick-flick moments. That's what you always say, right?" The three started laughing.

"Right, Em. No chick-flick moments."

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