Autumn and Winter

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Bucky set at the kitchen table as Joy played with the puppy.
Autumn put the groceries away and started cooking up some dinner for the three of them. Buckys eyes graced around the cozy home, he could just imagine having a family in a cute little house like this. He felt his mind wander as he watched Joy play.

" She looks just like you," Autumn said as she plated the meal. Buck turned to see her smiling at him. "She does?" He said astonished at her comment.
She nodded, He had never thought about it, her thick brown hair and big doe eyes were adorable but he never imagined they looked alike. 

Autumn sat down a plate of pasta in front of Bucky. Joy ran over setting on her daddy's lap she immediately started to dig into the food with her hands. Buck quickly stopped her and grabbed the fork and started to help her feed herself. "You must be hungry." Autumn giggled. Bucky blushed, embarrassed that he had not taught his daughter better yet. "I'll go get your plate then." She laughed setting another plate on the table.

The two discussed rent and easily agreed on a price.
Autumn got up, took the plates to wash them, Bucky went over and started drying them and setting each glass dish delicately on the counter. "Thank you, but you can go unpack." She said  "Its fine, it goes faster this way" they giggled and talked until the dishes were done.

The woman showed them the extra bedroom. It was small but Bucky loved it, it felt like home.
He set his bag on the tiny bed. 
"Thank you, this is perfect." He said in awe of her kindness.
" Your welcome, if you ever need anything I'm right at the end of the hall." Her smile brightened the tiny room.
She started to walk away, looking back over her shoulder at the daddy and daughter, she wondered: Where is her mother? And what is the story behind that man?  Her thoughts took over her as she walked back to her room, but soon she was in her bed fast asleep.

Bucky unpacked their bag as Joy bounced on the bed.
"Detka, its time to go to bed." He smiled as she flew up then landed on the bed and snuggled into the covers.
Buck laid down, Joy's little arm wrapped around his torso and snuggled into his chest. He was still not used to all the affection she gave so freely. He felt undeserving of her love and scared of not being all she needed.
It had only been two weeks since he found her small figure cowering in the shadows of the Hydra bass.
Yet her heart was overflowing with love for him. He was all she wanted.

Her fingers absentmindedly traced his scared chest that led to his cold medal arm. She had no idea the history of evil that arm had and she didn't care, all she saw was her daddy.

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