Because He is

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Bucky woke up to the sound of Steve calling his name. "Bucky!" The light in the room stung his eyes as he opened them. Steve breathed out a sigh of relief. "You scared me to death you jerk!" Bucky sat up slowly from the cold tile floor he was laying on. "What happened?" He asked rubbing there back of his head with his human hand. "You passed out." Banner said walking over to the men. The two helped Buck up and sat him on a chair.

Joy sat quietly humming to her self as she sat on the bed alone.
Scarlett knocked on the bedroom door. Joy felt her heart race as she hid under the large duvet. She shook slightly as she hid from the unknown visitor.
"Bucky, It's just me." Her accent was thick but had a sweetness behind it. "May I come it?" She asked.
Joy didn't say a thing she curls her knees to her chest under the blanket.
Wanda slowly opened the door letting a stream of light cascade across the bed revealing the large lump in the covers.
Her eyes narrowed as she approached. Lifting the blanket she saw the little girl looking up to her in fear.
"Little one!" She exclaimed "What are you doing? Where is Bucky?"
"Daddy is talking to Mr.Doctor," she said unsure if she should be revealing his location. The women sat on the bed next to the small child. "May I ask you a question?" Joy nodded "Why do you call Bucky 'daddy'?"
Joy looked at her confused " because he is." She said in a matter of fact tone. "We lived in Hiddy (Hydra), he would leave for work and sometimes he when he came home he would forget. But I helped him remember." Her words made the woman loose color in her face.

Bucky sat on the chair staring at the picture of Amy on the screen, she looked beautiful. Buck could not place her in his memories but the pain in his chest let him know she once meant something to him. Dr. Banner continued to ramble on about what the D.N.A. had reviled, his words did not hit Bucky. Steve finally interrupted causing Buck to jump "Where is the girl anyhow?" Bucky stood up "CRAP! I left her alone! How long was I unconscious?" Steve looked at the clock " For about 2 hours."
Bucky ran to the door, flung it open and went into the elevator.

He walked down the hall a noticed the door was open. He peeked in and could her Joy talking to Wanda. She was enthusiastically telling about the one time Bucky and her running away from Hydra. "We had fun in our new house, but the bad men came and took us home." Her voice got quieter as she ended her story.

Bucky leaned on the door frame a tear ran down his face, he wiped it quickly it away. Joy spotted him out of the corner of her eye she jumped off the bed and landed on the ground running up to him she lifted her arms asking him to pick her up.
Bucky picked her up and balanced her on his side, walking her to the bed he whispered to Wanda "Could you give us a moment."

My Joy (Bucky Barnes's Daughter)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat