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The song at the top made me think of a shopping trip montage lol so just pretend its playing in the background in the mall part (like a movie). LOL enjoy😄

Bucky awoke from his dreamless sleep. No nightmares, no panic attacks, just peace.
His arm was gently moving up and down with every rise and fall of Joy's little chest. He had fallen asleep cradling the girl.
She started to stir, her long eyelashes left her cheeks as she opened her eyes. "Good morning daddy." Joy smiled.
Bucky pushed the hair from her eyes "Morning Detka." She giggled as he kissed her forehead. Jumping up on the bed she pounced on his chest "What are we going to do today?"

"Let's go get you some real clothes today. Sounds good?" Buck laughed as she nodded excitedly.
He put on her makeshift dress which was one of Wanda's red tank tops she let him use.
The two walked downstairs to see the group who had found out the whole story through Steve.
"Bucky Barnes," Tony grabbed a napkin looking at it he paused for effect "You ARE the father." He taunted. Sam started laughing and began chanting "Jerry! Jerry!"
Buck shook his head not wanting to even ask what they were referencing.
"We are going to the mall, see you all later," Bucky said as he slips on the straps of his backpack.
"Buck, you can't put her on your motorcycle! Let me drop you guys off." Natasha smiled as she grabbed her keys.
He agreed and the three walked out of the tower.

They made their way into the mall, Joy's eyes light up as she took in the sights of all the shops.
"Well, let's get started." Bucky smiled at her. 
(1 ,2 ,1 2 3 Oww..)
As they walked past the shops Joy spotted a store by the name of "Justice". A place full of little girl clothes. She pulled her daddy's arm dragging him in the store.
She ran around, loaded his arms full of clothing.
A woman told them where the dressing rooms were and Joy when in one, her little arms full of tops, skirts, and dresses.
She would come out excitedly showing Buck the outfit. He would smile and tell her she " looked like a princess". Joy blushed and after trying out outfit after outfit. They paid and ran to another store. Three hours passed.
Bucky held all the boxes and bags running after little Joy as she zipped through the mall.
(Song fades out)

Buckys eyes left Joy for only a second as he spotted a place to eat. "Hey, are you hungry?" He turns and sees his daughter was not at his side. Bucks' heart sunk, he began to panic and yelled for Joy.
"Joy! Joy! Detka! Where are you!" He felt his anxiety hit an all-time high as he turns looking at the sea of people. "Daddy, daddy what's that?" when her sweet voice hit his ears he sighed in relief seeing her in front of a pet shop. Going over to her he grabbed her shoulders "What have I told you about running away!" He yelled the worry still in his voice.
She looked at him confused.
" You always told me to run away if I had the chance." His felt tears brim in his eyes thinking he must have said that to her in Hydra. He hugged her
"Not now, Detka. Not now that you're safe. You stay with Daddy."

My Joy (Bucky Barnes's Daughter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ