The Star is Red

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As Buck laid in bed his dreams were invaded by Hydra and his past.
In his dream, he was running down a hall of a Hydra base. The hall stretched so far he could not see the end. As he ran he felt something on his back. He turned to see what it was because he knew it did not feel like the straps of his backpack. When he stretched his neck to see what was weighing on him. His eyes widened as he saw the big brown eye of the little girl. He inhaled sharply with a gasp his eyelids flung open and he sat up in bed.

His bare chest shook as he was breathing at the same pace as he was running in his dream.
Sweat glistened on his forehead and ran down his face running into his eyes. He held his chest quietly talking to his panicked self. "Calm down, calm down." He whispered willing his breaths to return to normal.

The group was sitting in the kitchen talking amongst themselves. Bucky walked in rubbing his eyes and still dripping in sweat. Everyone's eyes landed on him and followed him as he sat at the table.
Scarlett smiled at him and placed his breakfast in front of him.
Buck nodded and looked at the pancakes. They made his stomach turn and he kindly smiled "I'm sorry I just don't think I can eat this morning." Scarlett took his plate and told him she would wrap it up for later.
Their normal discussion and playful bantering stopped when Tony brought up the subject of the child that was receiving medical attention in the lab.
Bucky felt nauseous at the thought of the little girl he kept quiet staring at the table until Tony blurted out "What was up with that kid calling you all those names, Barnes? Steve told us one time it sounded like she said, daddy!" Bucks gaze left the table and jumped to Stark when he said 'daddy' making his heart quicken in pace. "Well, Terminator, why would she say that?"
Buck got up from the table. "I need to go." He stared blankly, Steve stopped him before he could run off to his room. "Wait for Buck, I'm wondering the same thing." Bucky wanted to push passed Steve and retreat where he could calm his racing thoughts.
Steve saw the worry in Bucky's eyes and knew he was having a panic attack. Steve nodded and let Buck run to his room.

Bucky shut the door and let out a breath he had been holding.
He felt his legs start to shake and the room spun. And the little girls face flashed in his mind. He sat on the floor letting the panic take over so it would pass.

Finally, it left, leaving him curled up in a corner, his knees to his chest.

A few hours had passed
Steve walked down to the lab were Dr. Banner was working on the child.
Steve looked into the room. The girl was lying unconscious on an operating table Banner was running tests and looking at his computer.
He spotted Steve and with a smile and with a nod he silently invited him in.
"So any findings on the kid?"
Bruce let out a sigh "she is very sick, malnourished and has some broken bones. I'm really shocked she is alive." Steve glanced at the girl a piece of her brown curly hair lay across her face. Steve gently moved the strand behind her ear and lightly rubbed her cheek with his thumb.
"Any thought of how to find her family? I'm sure they are worried sick. If she was kidnapped."
Brue looked st his screens that were going crazy with numbers.
"I'm running some tests so we should get some answers to her past within a week." Steve heard someone coming out of the elevator his eyes shot over to the sound and saw Buck looking sickly walking into the lab.
"Hey, you ok?" Steve said
Bucky nodded "How is she?" He said.
It took everything in him to go down to the lab but he felt that he needed to see her.
Banner frowned "she was not compliant so I had to put her under just to get a blood sample."
Barnes looked at the small body of the girl, he felt guilt and it confused him, guilt as if he had broken a promise to her.
He slowly walked over to her he knelt at her bedside and put his human finger in her small hand and she closed her fingers holding on to Bucky.
A smile crept on his face. Steve and Dr. Banner spotted the small movement. "Looks like the anesthesia is wearing off. I'll give her another dose." Bucky saw Banner fill a syringe. "Could you wait. I'd like to see if she is ok." He said. The Doctor looked confused "I'll give you a few minutes but she might panic being hooked up to all these machines."
Buck nodded "I'll watch her." Steve whispered to Bruse to let Buck have some time. So the men exited leaving Bucky and the small girl alone.

The minutes passed and the child slowly started to wake from the anesthesia.
Her eyes fluttered open and looked into the deep blue eyes of the man holding her hand.
She was about to say something when she noticed all the wires and tubes connected to her. She quickly pulled the oxygen from her nose. Buck shook his head and gently took her hands and fixed the air back on her face.
She looked at him confused. She lifted her hand to do it again and Buck shook his head and sweetly but sternly said "No. Keep it on." She put her hand down, smiled and nodded, obeying him.

Dr. Banner acted like she was not listening to him that why he put her under. Why was she so obedient to Bucky.

She looked at the man her eyes locked on his metal arm. She smiled and traced the star with her small fingernail.
"You like that?" He said in shock.
She pointed to it looking at him she said "Krasnyy! (Russian for red)" Bucky smiled "that's right the star is Red."
She smiled pointing at other objects and would say their color each time in a different language.
Buck would confirm if she got right and would correct her when it was wrong and in every language, he knew to tell her the right color.
He felt so content just sitting there teaching her the colors in the room, he couldn't help but smile and laugh.

She giggled when she heard him.
"What you think I'm funny little miss?" Buck questioned.
"Silly daddy." She smiled but the smile on Bucks' face left and he sighed and corrected her. "No Detka (baby) doll, My name is Bucky." He felt sick knowing the poor baby was wanting her father. His frown faded and he smiled again and pointed at the little girl. "Do you have a name?" He asked. Ponting at herself "Joy!" She giggled.


My Joy (Bucky Barnes's Daughter)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz