Questions Asked

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Autumn pulled in the driveway her eyes heavy from working at the hospital, she got out of the car and a sigh escaped her lips.  her job as an ER nurse was wearing on her. 

Stepping onto the porch she heard little Joy scurrying over the hardwood. "Daddy, daddy she's home."  Autumn heard her exclaim.  She opened the door when an amazing aroma filled her nose. Joy ran up to her and flower covering her smiling face. "Hello Joy were is your daddy?" she said crouching to the little girls' level.  Joy pointed to the kitchen, then garbed her hand dragging her in that direction. The two entered the kitchen to see Bucky plating a large piece of meat pie. His hair was pulled in a messy bun and a smudge of powder highlighted his cheek. His blue eyes  looked up to Autumn "Hello Miss Autumn,  I thought I'd make you some dinner." Buck's charming smile sent butterflies to her stomach. "Thank you, you did not have to go through all this trouble." she smiled. The man laughed "It's no trouble at all. please sit." he said pulling out her chair. Bucky sat across from her and lifted Joy onto his lap. "This is so sweet, I  never get waited on," Autumn said as she spotted the fresh flowers in the middle of the table. "Joy picked them out," he said. "They are beautiful Joy! thank you."  Joy's face light up at the compliment.  They sat at the table and talked about their day. Joy got done eating and started to fall asleep on her daddy's lap. Autumn laughed as the little girl's head started to drop. "I'm going to put her to bed, I'll be right back." Buck excused himself and carried Joy to the bedroom. Autumn watched as the man walked out of the room, his daughter's head cuddling into his shoulder.  Her mind racing with questions about the two.

Bucky returned, sitting back in his seat, he saw Autumn was deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts?" He said releasing her from her trance. "Oh, nothing ... It's just, can I ask you something?" Buck smiled  "Sure, shoot."  Autumn tried to think the best way to word her question. "Where is Joy's mother." she finally asked. The man's smile fell. he knew this would come up sooner or later.  "Gone." was all he could say. "Divorce?" Autumn blurted before thinking. "No, no,  nothing like that." Buck quickly corrected. "She died right after having Joy." He said wishing so bad he could remember everything better, even though the memories would be painful. "I'm so sorry" She felt so bad for prying and bringing up such a sensitive subject. "It's ok," Bucky assured her. "You're doing a great job raising her, she is so happy and she loves you so much." The woman's words caught Buck off guard. "I only hope I'm doing what's right." his voice was quiet but Autumn could hear the fear in his voice. "I'm sure you are," she said patting his gloved hand.  He tensed at the quick touch, he was not ready to discuss his past if she asked about the glove. Autumn did not notest his demeanor change, she was too busy starting to clean up the dishes. Bucky mentally talked himself down, so he could get through cleaning up the meal.

After cleaning up the two walked down the hall, Bucky stopped at the door to his room, hearing the sound of the small tv on in the bedroom. He looked back to Autumn who waved and said goodnight. Entering the room, he saw Joy curled up under the blankets, the light from the tv flickered on her sleeping face.  He took off his top,  slipped on some pajama pants and climbed into bed. Shutting off the tv, that Joy must have figured out how to turn on, he wrapped his metal arm around his baby girl. Joy's eyes opened to see her daddy starting to fall asleep. "Daddy?" he hummed in reply. "What's a mother?" her little voice whispered.  He opened his eyes to see Joy waiting for an ansure.  Bucky propped himself up running a hand through his hair.  "where did you hear that word?" he asked. "Miss Autumn asked you about it." Joy smiled. "Well, um... A mother is a woman that takes care of a child." he said trying to ansure as simply as posable. "Oh." Joy said pleased with his ansure. "Now go to sleep detka." Buck said trying to get back in a comfortable position. 

A couple of weeks went by and Autumn and Bucky fell into a routine, Autumn would go to work, Bucky watched after Joy as he looked for a job, each night taking turns making dinner and they would sometimes watch tv together. It was the quiet life Bucky wanted for Joy and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Buck was working on dinner while Joy pretended to cook with some pots and pans on the floor when Autumn came in. "Hello you two!" she said with a smile "Hey Joy I have something for you." Joy dropped a pan on the floor with a bang and ran to Autumn. Buck rolled his eyes as he picked up the pots and pans that Joy left scattered around the kitchen. "I thought you might like something from the gift shop at work, so I got you a baby doll!" she said handing Joy the doll. It had on pink PJ's with a hat and a pacifier. Joy was so excited she held the doll tight in her small arms. Bucky walked into the room to see Joy squeezing the little doll.  "What do you say detka?" Buck asked "Thank you Mommy." she said and ran to the other room. Bucky's eye went wide, he felt his stomach twist in a knot.  "I..I'm so soooo sorry." he stuttered. Autumn was about to tell him it was fine when he left the room in search of Joy. 

Buck walked into their bedroom to see Joy playing with her baby doll pulling out the pacifier and putting it back in the doll's mouth. "Daddy, what is this?" She asking showing him the toy pacifier. "Joy why did you call Miss Autumn Mommy?" he asked his voice a little more stern then normal. "Because she is the girl that takes care of me." she stated plainly "Detka, you can't do that!" he raised his voice. Joy's little eyes started to tear, making Bucky kneel down and pull Joy into a hug. "But Daddy, You said..." Bucky felt himself start to cry and he held her weeping baby stroking her hair. "Who is my mommy?" Joy chocked out. He held her so tight  "It's just us detka, but you have me. you will always have me." The two held each other for an hour as they cried.

My Joy (Bucky Barnes's Daughter)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz