5 More Minutes

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Buck stood completely still and listened for the sound again. He knew that cry, to his core he knew it was little Joy. He ran ton the elevator, as the door opened on the bottom floor his eyes scanned the room for the little girl. H did not see her on the table nor in the small bed of to the side. Buck started to panic when another firework went off he heard her let out a squeal. Her little body was curled up in a corner. Blood dripping from her arm staining her oversized gown. She cried and held her legs to her chest. Buck saw she had pulled away from the machines leaving her a bloodied mess.
He walked over to her and knelt down "Little one, what's wrong?" She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes and lifted her arms for him to pick her up. He took her from the ground and set her on the bed. Going over to a cabinet he found some band-aids. He bandaged her arm and sat down next to her. She leaned her body on him, they sat there for w few minutes until another explosion went off. She dug her head in bucks shoulder and whimpered.
Buck smiled " You know, they are actually really pretty," he said Joy looked at him confused " the noise, it's a firework. They make sparkly lights in the sky. You wanna go see?" She nodded and held on to his neck as he took her to his room where there was a huge window overlooking the bridge where they were releasing the fireworks.
He opened the door to his room and set her on his bed. He pointed to the window. "keep your eyes right there." She squints her eyes staring at the exact spot he pointed at, he laughed at her concentration. Finally one flue in the sky and flashed a bright red light making the room glow and then fade back to darkness.

Her little jaw dropped she squealed with glee. Bucky put a finger to his lips "shh everyone is still asleep" she giggled and then did the same, putting a finger to her lips she pushed herself.

They sat on the bed and watched the fireworks with everyone that when off the both stared in awe. Joy in awe of the lights in the sky, and Bucky in awe of Joy and her sweet innocence.
The last one went off and Buck smiled at her "ok, time for bed." She nodded. He got up from the bed and walked to the door, opened it and looked back to see Joy cuddling down in his bed covering her self with the large fluffy comforter.

"Oh no, no sleep over." He smiled as she looked over at him then patted the spot next to her. "Sleep?" She said patting the bed. "No, Detka doll." The nickname flew again from his lips before he could stop it.
"Nigh-night." She said sweetly and turned over.
Buck scrunched his nose thinking what he was going to do about the child making herself at home in his bed.
Joy turned back over facing Bucky and stated in a frustrated tone "daddy, bedtime." He stared at the ground "I told you my name is Bucky." He knew this was not a fight he wanted to get in to right now. So in defeat, he walked over to the bed and climbed in "Can I have a little more of the bed?" Joy skootched over giving him no more than two more inches. He smiled and laid on his bed staring at the ceiling he thought about what he was going to about this girl, where a little arm went across his chest and he felt her snuggle into his side.

The morning came the two were sleeping sound the little one was sprawled across Bucky's chest.
He felt something tickle his nose. Her hair was laying all offer his face as her head was cuddled into the crook of his neck.
He woke up to her kissing his cheek "Morning Daddy." She squealed and jumped on the bed.
"Give Daddy five more minutes," he said in a groggy state. Quickly his eyes flu open, he sat up seeing her sitting there smiling bigger then she did with the fireworks. "No! No! No! I did not mean that!" He corrected. Her smile faded and a tear slid down her pale cheek.
Buck sighed and picked up the little girl "I promise you Joy I will find your daddy."

My Joy (Bucky Barnes's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now