Chapter 7

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Thalia POV.

I was utterly confused. Milady never kept secrets. Ever! Not even when she had a crush on Orion: she had told Zoe about it. There must be something wrong. There has to be.

I walked off, and dived into the bushes as soon as I was out of her sight. I hid there, and listened into what she was saying.

"You can come out now!" Artemis shouted.

I thought she was talking to me for a bit, but then a hooded figure emerged from the shadows. The man spoke in a deep, yet slightly familiar voice.


The man did a mock bow, and I could see him smirking under the hood. Artemis- No, it can't be! Artemis blushed slightly! She had a crush on whoever this person was.

"I told you not to call me that!" Artemis playfully smacked him.

I could tell that Artemis was embarrassed. Whenever she was embarrassed, she would get all flustered, which always was fun to watch.

"Can we go start training? I wanna get it over with." The man asked. Artemis nodded, and led him into her tent.

I knew it was useless now. Artemis' tent was soundproof, and would only opened when Artemis let you in. I couldn't just sneak in. Also, it was unrippable, so there was no way I was sneaking in anytime soon.

Sighing unhappily, I walked back to my tent, entered it, and laid down on the soft bed, burying my face into the pillows. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

Percy POV

I took of my hood as soon as I got into the tent. No one would see my face now. I sat down on the floor next to Artemis' bed, waiting for her to have her shower and change.

. . .

After about an hour, Artemis arrived back to where I was. She smiled warmly at me, and I smiled back. We held the gaze for a while, before I broke out of it.

"Alright, can you add a training room in the tent?" I asked.

She smirked slightly, and tilted her head a bit.

"There already is a training room. The room at the back is the training room."

I was led to the training room, where there was just four walls, one of them holding a mirror. Artemis sat down, and I sat down next to me. She then began teaching me how to flash in and out of somewhere.

. . .

By the end, I was sweaty, and tired. And I mean really tired. I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck, and smiled at Artemis.

"Where do I sleep, 'cause I can sleep on the floor, if you want." I asked.

Artemis thought about it, and then blushed. She shook her head, which surprised me.

"y-You're sleeping with me." She stuttered.

I felt myself blushing too, now. I was sleeping with Artemis, my crush! I couldn't believe it! Yet, I was also unsure. Sleeping with a man-hater virgin goddess, in a campsite of a large group of virgin, partially immortal man-haters?

Never the less, I must admit, that day was the first day in which I hadn't had a nightmare. I'd been having them ever since I found out that Annabeth's been cheating on me.

She kept teaching me lessons such as those, until there was nothing more she could teach me.

By then, she taught me to change my forms (18 year old form, 5 year old form, ETC.), how to flash in and out of places, how to control all my demigod abilities, how to control my godly sphere of abilities, how to fire a bow and arrow perfectly and by the end of it, I had to complete an obstacle course to show that I can do all of it.

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