Chapter 6

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Percy POV

"Yes," I answered. "I swear on the river Styx that I will protect the hunt as much as possible, and that I will not flirt with any of the hunters."

In my head, I reminded myself: Artemis is not a hunter. She's the patron goddess of the hunters. I can still technically flirt with her.

"Oh, okay, now that we finished that up," Zeus cleared his throat, "Who is Percy the god of?"

Just as he asked that, the Fates came in, and bowed down to me.

"All hail Perseus Jackson, fifteenth Olympian, god of heroes, loyalty, luck, skill and all types of strength."

I was most interested in the last title. The god of luck and skill? I mean, half of my adventures were pure luck, while the other half was pure skill. I guess it makes sense. Also, all types of strength? Does that mean that I can make people be mentally and physically strong? I guess I'll find out later.

"Percy, your godly trainer will be Artemis, seeming as you're her guardian, as well as the hunters'. She'll teach you how to control your abilities."

"What's his Roman form?" Asked my dad, excited.

The Fates came back into the throne room. "He is the same in his Roman form. His Roman form name will also be the same."

I was kind of happy, because I wouldn't have to deal with two bodies that have depression. Just one of them, luckily. I nodded. Soon, a silence overcame us.

"Well," Athena spoke up, "We got our answer."

"Yes, yes indeed." Dad replied.

I could see Athena blush out of the corner of my eyes. I guess Athena has a crush on my dad. Hopefully she doesn't betray him, like what happened to me.

. . .

I walked around Olympus, waiting for Artemis to arrive. She had forgotten her bow back at her temple, and needed to retrieve it. I then waited at the edge of Olympus, exactly where she asked for us to meet.

I could then finally see her jogging towards me, still in her casual clothes. She swung a silver bow over her back, and smiled at me. She held out her hand. I took it, and I felt myself blush. I looked towards her to see her blushing as well.

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