Luciana (Epilogue)

Depuis le début

She gestured me to go forward to the bed. Then she pointed the back of Adam. I smiled again at her and continued my way to the bed slowly and placed Luciana on Adam's back.

Luciana was so cute with a hand on her mouth retaining her from giggling.

Then she neared her lips to Adam's ear and took a deep breath before shouting.

"Goodmorning Papa!" I just stood beside the bed watching the cuteness.

Adam's eyes shot open and noticing Luciana was on his back he smiled and said with the most huskiest voice ever.
"Goodmorning my Princess."

And if Luciana was not there, I did not know what I would do to him. It was weird....everyday I was falling in love even more deeply with Adam than before. Everyday I was seeing him even more handsome and sexy. It was like he was in the spot light. And might I say he was a veryyyy sexy father.

Luciana got down Adam's back then the sexy father smirked at me and winked making my face feel hot. Even though we were parents and we were married for over 2 years, we were still in love like we were before. Of course I still feel the heat on my skin whenever he touched me.

Adam cupped Luciana's face and kissed her forehead. Then Adam said.
"Now for Papa."

Luciana pouted and brought her lips to Adam's forehead and placed a very sweet kiss. She was so cute.

I smiled at their cuteness and wondered how the hell my life changed. I wanted a life full of love and wanted to build a family with Adam. And I got what I wanted.

"Now get up Papa! Breakfast!" Luciana said with her cute eyes gleaming.

"Yes my Princess. I'll be down in a second." Adam said stroking Luciana's cheek.

"Let's go prepare the breakfast my baby." I said and Luciana nodded excitedly then she grabbed my hand and walked enthusiastically to the kitchen.

When we arrived in the kitchen, I pointed to the plate which was covered with a lid.
"Guess what it is?" I asked Luciana.

Knowing what it was, Luciana's lips stretched to a very bright smile and said.
"Chocolate pancakes!" I nodded at her and said.

"You will be rewarded an extra pancake for the good answer!" I said clapping.

"Yayyy!!!" Luciana jumped. I smiled at her cute childishness.

I took three plates and placed them on the dinning table. I placed one pancake on a plate.
"Luciana come on. Eat this one till your Papa comes down." I told my little baby and she nodded.
God! She is so obedient!

Luciana took her usual seat next to Adam's. She scooped some nutella with a spoon and spread it on the pancake then folded it. She then opened her small mouth and ate.
"It is so good Mama!" Luciana exclaimed.

"Thank you my baby." I reached over her and kissed her forehead.

"I'll bring you your milk, okay?" I said and she nodded with her mouth full.

I smiled to myself making my way to the kitchen. I was making milk when I felt arms around me.

"Goodmorning my Eve." Adam said and hugged me.

"Goodmorning my Adam." I said happily. I was in great mood in the morning.

Adam turned me over and cupped my face nearing his handsome face to me clearly intended to kiss me.

"Adam! Luciana is here!" I whispered pointed to Luciana.

"I think we will have to give her a friend to keep her busy." Adam whispered in my ear making me blush.

"Princess! Do you want a friend?" Adam asked Luciana.

"Oh yes Papa! I want one!" Luciana jumped with excitement.

"See? My Princess wants a friend." Adam said inoncently.

"You are such a-"  Adam placed a finger on my lips.

"A husband." He smirked at me knowing he won.

"Now let's eat." Adam whispered eat ever so seductive in my ears that I could feel my knees buckled up.

Then he made his way to Luciana and hugged her then took her in his arms. Luciana pinched his nose and Adam started laughing along with Luciana. I smiled at them and wished that we will stay happy like that forever.

Hey there! Chapter 51 updated! This is the last chapter of The Satan's Eve. I hope you enjoyed it! I am so happy that our Adam and Eve had bloomed their love! Ahh I envy Eve so much!!!😢😍😍 Why can't I have an Adam?!😍😍😢

Oh and by the way! Our adventures do not end!😁 Another book is on the way! I probably will publish it later as I already figured out what it would be on. So stay tuned for that! Don't forget to leave your thoughts and hit that star! Love ya! Bye.❤

The Satan's Eve (Completed)✔ NOT EDITEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant