School Of Magic and Vampires

Start from the beginning

She looked at the star then placed it back in her pack. But Lucy interjected.

"Did you say necromancers?"

"Yes, I did. You know they raise the dead. It's not all that uncommon here in Tamriel. In fact, if you wanted me too, I could take you anywhere just to show you that sometimes the dead don't even need a necromancer in order to rise from the grave. Whether the corpse still has rotting flesh on the body or not."

The ride along the road was silent from then on. The thought of just the dead getting up and walking about was unnerving. But the knowledge of the magic that filled this land was interesting.

"Hey, Endoura what kind of magic do you use?"

"Umm . . . I don't really use magic. All I need is my bow, arrows, and my sword. But I could tell you the different schools of magic mages study."

"Schools of magic?"

"Oh, right you call it types of magic. Well, here all magic falls under a certain school. Destruction is the easiest to understand. That school is for all spells that will lead to destruction. Restoration is healing and magic that harms the dead. Conjuration is summoning creatures from another plain and soul trapping.

Illusion messes with the senses. And finally Alteration. Where the user alters the world around them. But there is one bit of magic that is slightly different and that is enchanting. It's where you can bind different magic to weapons, armor, and clothing.

My sword and bow, for example, are enchanted. Along with Lucy's boots and Erza's armor. Depending on what you're enchanting it will take different enchantments. Such as on armor you will only get resistance and fortifying enchantments. You thinks that make something easier with that enchantment. And for weapons it will cause damage of some kind."

This was quite confusing but also really simple this place was strange I don't think I'll ever get used to it, and I don't care too. I mostly came to see the dragons and so far we've only seen two. Not that that isn't amazing in and of itself I just wanted to see more.

As we rode the sword on Endoura's hip caught my eye. It was very strange. The blade was white gold in color. And near the handle was a rounded guard that had an orb of light shining. It also seemed to glow with power. Didn't she say it was enchanted? I wonder what that enchantment could be.

"Hey, Endoura?"

"Yes, Natsu."

"What's the enchantment on your sword."

"Well, first I'd have to tell you the story of how I even got my sword. Then I could tell you about my bow too. But that'll have to wait. This is Winterhold. We won't be staying long I just have to sell some things first."

Endoura got off Arvak and went into the general store. As I looked around I was quite surprised. This place looked horrible. There were barely any building not left in ruin. the only thing that looked intact was a large building over the frozen sea.

I got off of Blaze and just stared at the small town. How could this have happened? Just as I started to look around a bunch of screaming could be heard. When I turned around, a group of people was attacking guards and the citizens. Their eyes glowed a bright fire red and red magic came from their hands and seemed to suck the life right out of their targets.

I rushed up to try and help but suddenly I felt a hand grab my arm. When I turned to the person holding me I saw it was Gray with a wide-eyed look and quickly shaking his head.

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