Icy Powers Clash

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(A/N : So Blue helped revise this chapter so I hope it's better then what I did by myself. Make sure you all thank Blue kay.)

Back at the top of the temple Lyon told Gray that he and Isis killed Ur. In fact he wondered why Gray didn't feel any guilt for what he supposedly did to Lyon's master and his own aunt.

He got angry then sent a ice puffer fish to knock Gray off his feet. The force from the impact threw Gray into the stone outcrop he hide behind earlier. Crashing into the stone knocked the breath from his lungs. But he got up and spoke to Lyon.

"Lyon. . ."

"What's wrong? Don't tell me the guilt is finally getting to you. Don't try to interfere. Whether you like it or not I wil resurrect Deliora!"

Gray grit his teeth. He didn't like being called a murder when all he did was sit and watch his dragon mother get fatally wounded and the woman who was like family to him sacrifice herself to save Lyon, Isis, and himself.

"Listen to me you thick headed idiot. Ur is still alive. She's ice that makes up the Iced Shell. If you continue to try melting it you're the one who kills her!"

Lyon dropped his helmet and stared at Gray impassively. The helmet crashed to the ground clinking. Lyon raised one hand and pointed it at Gray. An icy fog formed around his hand showing he was getting ready for his next attack.

"Don't speak such nonsense. You're just trying to trick me. Besides I've grown much stronger since we last saw each other. Perhaps even strong enough to capture a dragon."

He shouted the spell he launched at Gray.

"Ice Make : Eagle!"

Gray reacted fast casting his spell.

"Ice Dragon : Frozen Mist Shield!"

He let out his breath. It was a glittery white mist and in the next second where ever the mist was it froze instantly making a large and thick wall of ice. But the eagles ignored Gray's shield, flew around it and hit him multiple times all over his body.

The hard beaks and bodies of the animated ice birds hurt. Gray could consume them but they were moving to fast for him to catch. Lyon spoke again as he sent more birds towards Gray.

"While you use ice dragonslayer magic you can consume any type of ice to get stronger and regain energy. But the down side is that you need to catch and bite into it. My ice is your weakness. Although . . ."

Lyon stopped for a moment to think back to a time he still was Gray's friend. And the ice dragon was a wondrous creature that Ur allowed him to see and meet.

"You know something that could easily counteract my magic to a degree. What was it again? Oh right there is one 'shout' that can 'slow time' for you. So tell me why aren't you using it!?"

Sharp ice formed under Gray's feet making him jump into the air to avoid his feet being torned to shreds. While in the air he brought his hands together then swung them outward.

"Ice Dragon : Wing Attack!"

Streams of mist left his hands but as they neared Lyon the mist froze and turned into ribbons of ice that had sharp spines along them. Lyon put two fingers together and called his magic.

"Ice Make : Ape!"

A large ape made of the teal ice formed behind Lyon and crushed the spiked ice ribbons. With the ice broken Lyon spoke.

"How pathetic. Are you holding back on me?"

"Yeah because you're using one hand. Didn't Ur teach you to use two because one handed ice make is incomplete and unbalanced?!"

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