Clear Skies And A Dragon's Soul

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Natsu couldn't stand it something inside of him made his blood boil. Those people didn't care what they were doing to him. They were causing major damage to his mental stat. You don't just force someone to sing to the still beating heart of the mother figure someone had for most of their life. That's just sick, twisted, and wrong in all kinds of ways.

Gray stared at the heart and tears running down his face. But the sound of sizzling and clanking metal broke him from his memory trance. His eyes turned in front of him and he saw the pink haired male of the group. His sharp forest green eyes. He backed up a bit but flinched at the pain in his arms from playing the harp.

Natsu held his hand out the way someone would hold their hand to a cage to let an animal smell their scent. He spoke in a calm and soft voice very out of character for him.

"Hey it's okay. We'll get you out of here. They won't hurt you again. You won't have to look at it anymore. Just come with us."

Gray sniffed and smelled the outstretched hand. The smell of fire wood burning on a cool summer night filled his nose making him calm. It was the same smell from his dreams. The comforting heat of a body at night keeping you safe. Gray didn't know if this guy knew that they were mates or if he didn't. Dragonborns always had dreams about their mates past to understand them easier and help them find each other.

But he was broken. Isis told him to never sing for anyone but his mate. His voice was just for his mate's ears. But when they brought in the heart and hooked it up to the pipes in the ceiling to make the heart beat the steady rhythm he fell asleep to as a child. They said they would destroy it if he didn't sing. He didn't want the last part of his mother to be destroyed. And especially these monsters.

They all call people with his abilities monsters. Being able to have the power to kill an immortal being. And not just kill but absorb a dragon's soul. A being holding this much power to them was a monster. But that's not why he was still alive. These people said that dragons coming back meant the end of times so they were going to kill anything related to dragons. Even the people in the town below who Isis protected during the the extremely harsh winters.

As Natsu drew closer he could make out the barest of tan lines on the snow white skin of Gray. It looked like the scale necklace. Natsu crouched down onto his knees and twisted his body to look at Happy.

"Hey Happy can I see the necklace."

"Aye sir."

At the word necklace Gray slightly perked up. He hasn't seen his scale necklace for weeks. Not having it around his neck has left him insecure for the weeks he's been here. As he looked at the pink haired male before him he started to move towards him. This was his mate that one that he was meant to have children with and to comfort. Ice dragons are sought after if they're mated or not as the best mothers for hatchlings. Some dragons took them as secondary mates with their true mates to be killed so the real mate doesn't die.

Isis told him ice dragons are the saddest of all dragons used for nothing but canon fodder unless they were their true mates. Ice dragons were known as the dragons of one thousand frozen tears. Legends say that the ice dragon queen's tears are the stars filling the night sky and she's the moon. He guessed that that legend came true the moment she was killed.

The sound of jingling filled his ears and he looked ahead. The scale necklace was swaying in front of his face. The necklace full of his mother's scales that she gave to him as a child when they first went to Skyrim her home land. Where she met her mate. And where a fire dragon killed her mate and destroyed her eggs. Shaking his head he slowly reached for the necklace. His fingers brushed the cool scales with his fingers just barely before it was pulled away.

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