Legends And Told Stories

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Lucy, Erza, Endoura, and the exceeds sat outside of the cave around a fire and started munching on the dried deer Endoura packed and drinking water from the deerskin. As the sun started to set the sound of a roar echoed out from the cave and then all went quiet.

Endoura just smiled and started to get ready to sleep on the bedrolls she packed for the group. Lucy and Erza were about to question what that was but saw that it didn't worry Endoura and slowly went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Natsu blinked his eyes open and looked at the cool body lying in his arms. Gray was breathing easy and smelled utterly happy and content. Natsu just purred and nuzzled his face into the crook of Gray's neck where he could see the curve of the scars his teeth made.

His own smell was emanating from it to show other dragons that this prize was his and only meant for him to enjoy to full extent. In the next moment, he conceived out of the happy moment of scenting Gray more he felt the need to eat and drink.

Reluctantly Natsu left the nest they shared and went hunting. There was a lot of elk in this cave and the water was clean and filling. Not knowing how much food would be eaten Natsu just brought back a large female elk.

Once he got back to the nest he saw Gray stretching like a cat and inspecting his body. When his eyes landed on the large scar on his foot he ran his fingers across it. It was healed and white. He moved his foot around and wiggled his toes to see that if he had broken any bones.

No, everything appeared fine with it. Gray then ran his fingers over the sides of his neck to find the ridged scar where Natsu bit him. That was healed as well and the feel of some magic emanated from it. The magic felt hot and strong, ready to flare up at any moment to jump in and protect him.

Gray sighed as he stroked the scar on his neck. Doing so felt so relaxing and arousing at the same time. But his body was completely spent from the activity of mating and the dragon force.

The sound of leaves crunching and the ground giving under weight made Gray look behind him. Natsu was pulling the corpse of an elk behind him. Gray just smiled and turned back to look at the scenery around him as he spoke.

"You know that if I thought you were a predator I could very easily kill you."

"You know I'm a predator and yet I'm still alive."

"Hmph. True, to a certain degree."

Natsu dropped the elk and sat behind Gray and started to rub his shoulders. A purr of appreciation left Gray's throat, both at the provided meal and the soft rubbing.

"So tell me where do we go from here."

It wasn't a question all that much just a statement to reinforce what was going to happen in the future. Gray let out a long breath of air through his nose and moaned, collecting his thoughts.

"Well, I was thinking that not much would change. Other than the fact that I'm ready to be much more intimate with you now after my heat. Wait for your rut, have more uninhibited sex, wait the rest of the year till fall and have a synced mating to fully claim one another and if that season proves fruitful. Hole up in a cave and give birth to your child. Sounds about right to me. And obviously the normal people stuff."

Gray looked over his shoulder at Natsu with lidded eyes that sparkled with love and desire. That look alone made Natsu's blood boil and start a journey south. Gray smelled it and proceeded to slowly lick his lips.

"So we're continuing this relationship. That sounds quite nice to me."

"Yes, it does. We'll just have to watch out for obvious threats to it."

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