Black Ice Castle

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The train ride was horrible Natsu was dry heaving out the window because he couldn't stay in the bathroom because of other people having to use it. Erza refused to knock him out not wanting a repeat of what happened during the Lullaby mission. Lucy was being pestered by Happy about fish. Could it get any worse was her thought. The train came to an abrupt halt making everyone shift and having Natsu land on Lucy's lap still dry heaving. Lucy squealed and violently pushed Natsu to the ground. Erza got up from her seat reaching for the door when it opened suddenly. The conductor was a wrinkled man in a blue and gold suit and hat and he was wiping the side of his head. He spoke in a low raspy voice befitting his appearance.

"I'm sorry but due to the snow covering the tracks their's no way the train can move forward. I'm afraid you'll have to travel the rest of the way on foot. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience."

He bowed and Erza gently smiled and thanked him for getting them this far. Lucy sighed and covered herself in a huge fluffy coat and pulled warm sweatpants over her shorts and heavy duty snow boots. She was prepared for this mission having read the conditions in advance. Natsu was dragged out of the train by Happy holding him by the back of his vest. From all the dry heaving Natsu was drained of all his energy. When the team came off the train they stepped on the ground and the crunch of snow was heard. Then they sank into the snow that was up to their necks. Lucy was not prepared for this. The train conductor came to the door and before closing it he threw some snowshoes next to the team saw it was compensation for taking this job and for not getting to the next station. The train backed out of the snow drift and left a long line in the snow. After about ten minutes of trying and finally succeeding in putting on their snowshoes they trekked to the village of Snowdin. It was know for its long green summers and harsh winters but this was crazy!

"This is horrible! How long till we get to Snowdin Erza?"

"Just a few more miles Lucy."

"You said that the last time!"

"Aww come on Lucy this is nothing."


Sighing tiredly Lucy trekked on with her team and finally some warm lights came into view. With renewed vigor Lucy tried to speed towards the town in sight. But it was hard to do with the snowshoes on. But eventually they came to an in and the receptionist welcomed them and asked if they had a reservation. Erza walked up to her and told her they were here to solve the weather problem. The receptionist ohhed and showed them to their two suites. Both rooms were the same having two beds, a small fireplace with wood stacked up on the side, and a comfy looking couch. They thanked the receptionist and went to bed to regain their strength from the long trek in the deep snow. Natsu laid down on the queen sized bed looking out the window to the star filled sky and the lonely moon gazing at him. The warm blankets gave him security and lulled him to sleep.


His eyes opened to the ice cave again but he was now sitting in the mouth of the cave with the snow falling lightly on the snow drifts already there. The air was crisp and clean with no smell of pollution. The pine trees surrounding the mouth but didn't take away the beauty of the moonlit snow banks. He looked up to the stars in the sky. When he saw the moon this time he didn't see it as lonely he saw it as a all watching mother keeping him safe. Then the most beautiful lights colored the sky in red, orange, and yellow ribbons. A smile stretched across his face. It was like the sky was ablaze trying to impress the cold and icy moon. Fire and ice as lovers always in the sky. An itch came from his skin on his face, arms, sides, and legs. Looking down he saw scales but they didn't look like Igneel's they looked more like Isis' from his first dream. They were a crystal white blue and shimmered at the barest touch of any light making them glitter with a rainbow of colors. Natsu realized that this must be 'Gray' again. 'Gray's' eyes turned towards the sky again and a shadow of a dragon was flying towards the ice cave. A smile stretched across 'Gray's' face again as he turned and looked at an ice covered rock. His reflection shown. He had pale skin and midnight blue hair paired with sparkling cobalt eyes.

~End Dream~

The sun's rays danced across Natsu's eyes making him open them. Bolting up right he recalled the dream. 'Gray' was a dragonslayer and was mothered by the ice dragon queen Isis. But that's all he knew. Igneel never told him anything about what would happen to him as he matured along with his inner dragon. The inner dragon was purring and whining wanting to meet the possible link to its father. The idea of a new dragonslayer that knew more about Igneel excited Natsu. The sound of a metal covered fist knocked on his door. It was Erza coming to get his lazy butt up. Sighing he dragged himself out of the soft warm bed and walked out. The inn was very warm and cozy. The dinning hall had a stone chimney with a warm fire crackling with a pot of stew being tended to by a woman in a white and red tavern dress with a dirty apron. On her hip rested a steel dagger with a white blue crystal in it? Why did that crystal look so familiar? Shaking the thought away Natsu sat with Lucy, Erza, and Happy. The wench came round with a pot full of the stew that was being cooked by the fire. With everyone getting a bowl full she left and brought some drinks. The liquid she poured was a rich honey color and smelled warm. Before she left Erza spoke.

"Excuse me but what is this that you served us?"

The wench turned around again holding the platter that carried the jug holding the drink.

"The stew is fish, venison, potato stew. And the drink is mead. Is there something else you'd like?"


"And what would that be?"

"More food!"

Natsu held his now empty bowl. The wench shook her head and spoke politely.

"I'm terribly sorry buy I can't do that. You see with all the snow and cold in our summer at the moment we haven't had any summer foods ready for harvest. To conserve the food every person in the village must only eat one bowl of stew per meal."

The team looked at each other and mentally thought the same thing.

'This is bad. We need to do something so these people don't starve.'

And so Lucy turned to the wench asking the question of most importance.

"So where is all this snow and cold coming from."

The wench walked towards the window by the front door. Wiped off the condensation and pointed outside.

"It all comes from the old castle. It was owned by the Kuroyuki family centuries ago. But one night when the northern lights didn't appear in the starry sky this summer the snowstorm started and hasn't ended yet. We fear that the ice dragon has been killed or captured making the gods punish us for not saving it. When some men braved the journey to its sacred cave all they found was blood and a necklace with ice dragon scales. So we feared the worst. Please find who ever is doing this and save our village."

The wench turned back to the group of four holding out the necklace. It was a silver chain with ice blue scales hanging form it. It was so gorgeous one would never want to take their eyes off of it. But with a new resolve Natsu ask the one question on his mind.

"What was the name of the ice dragon."

"We call her Queen Isis ruler of the star filled sky."

A look of determination crossed Natsu face as he grabbed the necklace end set off for the black castle on the mountain covered in ice and snow.

(A/N : Wow. I've been dead for a while. Well don't worry I've just been dealing with hell school but once my finals are done I'll start volunteering at my mom's work and driving the car so I can get my license. So I'm sorry I'm not as active but I will try to upload chapters as fast as I can. I'm just really lazy busy with other thinks in my life. So sorry please be patient and I'll upload as much as I can this summer. Promise with the red string of fate.)

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