History and Horses

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The sun rose the next day and the cold by his side was slowly leaving. Natsu didn't want it to leave. Because if it left that means Gray was leaving his side. When he tried to hold Gray to his side Gray simply just pushed him away and continued downstairs to help Endoura.

That's right they were going to be traveling to a big hold today. What was it called again? Wind something. Natsu didn't know or care to know. Nothing that came out of that woman's mouth was worth listening to, especially when she ate the dead.

Natsu just turned on his back and looked at the ceiling that he was sleeping under and the decorations on the walls that surrounded him. Then he thought and his thoughts went to their host. She didn't seem to be wanting to eat them or showed any signs of wanting them to leave. Now that he was thinking about her diet he could pick up on the smell of death on her breath.

But the thing was she seemed perfectly normal. Well for what she was, and if what she said was true about there being many different races here than did she really qualify as a cannibal? Because from what Natsu remembers cannibalism is when you eat your own race. Whatever it was still quite disgusting what she did to the dead.

After just looking at the walls covered in mounted animal heads and the ceiling the hung an iron chandelier with horn candles, he got up. Natsu walked to the stairs and looked over the banister to see that Gray and Endoura were busy packing some knapsacks full of provisions that they would need.

When he turned back to the stairs things in the house started to catch his eye. There wasn't much that they learned yesterday. Just that this place had roots in very old magic. But it was nothing like they had in Fiorie. Here they could put magic on items and give them abilities.

For example the vampire armor Erza was given; the enchantment on it would help her magic power restore itself faster. And with the enchantment on it, it caused the item to glow blue because it was based on more magical roots than the physical body. All the things about this place and its magic were giving Natsu a headache especially when they also had another name for magic power.

They called it magicka. He just didn't get their mannerisms and he hoped they didn't stay long enough for him to start caring about it. But for now, he'd play by their rules.

Natsu walked down the stairs and looked at all the food they were packing. It looked to mostly be dried and salted meats and fish. It seems that the only suitable fish used for food here was salmon and another fish called Slaughterfish. All the others were too tiny to be called a meal. But they had their uses, Gray said that Endoura uses them all the time for potions since she can't use any plants to make her potions.

Having only explored the ground and the second floors Natsu was about to go see what was in the cellar. As he walked into the back room and to the pale door on the floor before he opened it the rushed sound of covered feet caught his attention.

When Natsu looked back he saw Endoura in her fur armor with a very weary face. She opened her mouth to speak but she stopped for a moment. But after she thought about it for a minute she spoke her thoughts.

"If you're going down there I ask that you don't kill the skeever. I much prefer just having to take care of one then getting rid of more all the time."

With her words of warning Endoura left back into the other room and the sound of her starting to mash a mortar and pestle together sounded. She must be making some potions for the trip.

So with that Natsu just shook his head and headed down into the cellar. The cellar was cool and dark but the light from candles and wall scones as they were called filled the dark stone level with light to see. And see Natsu did and hear as well. The sound was of small padded paws against the stone floor and of a gurgled purring.

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