Dragon Book: Forbidden Spells

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(A/N : Sorry this took so long. I did kinda unintentionally make this hard on Blue. I'm really sorry Blue. ^^; But also make sure you read the note at the bottom of this page for something important I need to say. Also make sure to wear your glasses for the Eclipse on the 21st.)

Lucy sat on the ground as she looked through the dragon book she had. She was trying to find anything that looked like spells like the Iced Shell till she found a part that talked about three forbidden Ice Dragon spells.

The three forbidden ice dragonslayer spells. Sealing, defense, and finally offense. The sealing spell is like the spell Iced Shell but unlike it it can't be melted even when using Moon Drip. But the reason these spells are forbidden is because they come with the ultimate price.

The sealing spell is known as Ice Dragon's Final Tomb. As stated before it's like the Iced Shell but for those who don't know what the Iced Shell is it's a forbidden ice spell that uses the casters body as an extremely hard to melt ice shell.

The defensive spell is known as Ice Dragon's Last Stand. This spell is like the sealing spell but it's a thick mist that blankets the area the dragon wants to protect. Anything deemed harmful by the ice dragon that casts it will forever be lost in the mist till it freezes.

All those that aren't threats can navigate the mist at anytime. No one knows how the mist can determine what's a threat or not but wizards that had gone through such mist covered areas say the following.

"It feels like a kind voice is always in my head leading me to safety and is always watching over me. It's nice."

The offensive spell is known as Ice Dragon's Dying Breath. This spell turns the dragon and most likely dragonslayer into a dragon statue made of ice. The dragon statue sits atop a pedestal with what people say is a watchful gaze.

"I know the dragon is just a statue but its eyes seem to follow you whenever you're in its line of sight. Like it's going to come to life at any second."

Not much is known about this spell but we speculate that if the statue 'senses' any threats coming into the area it's 'guarding' it will as the spells name says will ward off the threat with the dragon's dying breathe.

For each spell the dragon just has to channel its energy and then release it. But for dragonslayers they have to take different stances to help channel their magic to cast the spell. Through extensive research we have found out what the stances are.

Ice Dragon's Final Tomb : This spell has the dragonslayer have their arms in line with their body. They would then make a complete circle while widening the placement of their feet to one foot apart.

They will then run their hands over their arms till their palms touch. Twist their hands to have one hand with the fingers pointing up and the other hands fingers pointing down. Their palms are always touching while doing this.

After that they say the spell in the dragon language. This is when they repeat the beginning of the stance but without widening their foot placement. But when their palms meet they continue to extend their arms.

Once the spell has been uttered they will clap their hands together and from there the spell can't be stopped. Their body grows scales all over their eyes become draconic. But then the scales will start to crack and fragment.

The immanent area will be covered in a cloud of cold shimmering mist that will then rush to the target of the spell. The finished spell will then have the target or targets in egg shaped shells with a dragon siting over them.

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