Land of Ice : Skyrim

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Natsu let go of his hold on Gray temporarily, when Gray turned to look at Lyon who was on the ground with a look of amazement and horror. Gray walked up to him to place his hand on his shoulder. This made Lyon look up at to the ice dragonslayer.

Gray simply cups his hands in front of his mouth and breathed out into his palms. When he opened them a small crystal vial sat there. Gray knelt down and dipped the vial into the water. It filled and he breathed at the opening.

The vial sealed and shined a rainbow of colors as the water danced in its confines. He pulled the chain from his pants off and made a necklace. He handed it to Lyon and spoke to him.

"Ur wouldn't want to see you like this. I know that you miss her, she was like a mother to you. Well while I have a necklace of my mother here's a necklace of Ur for you. Maybe now you'll be able to move on and find a new loftier dream."

Gray turned and was walking back to Natsu's embrace when Lyon spoke.

"How will I know where I belong?"

Gray's shoulders went slack like the weight of the world was just lifted off of them. He sighed and turned to Lyon.

"It's simple. Go with the people that stand by your side. And stay with them even after all the years fade away. That's what I did."

Gray turned back to Natsu and the Fairy Tail team. Everyone left the cave and returned to the village. They fulfilled the request and were standing on the boat the Erza commandeered to get her here. It was really funny how all the pirates had hearts in their eyes.

As they set sail and were heading back to the mainland Gray looked out across the water holding Eclipse in his arms. But as he turned his head skyward he felt a pull across the water. He looked down to the deck.

It had been a few years since he was in Skyrim. The frozen north. The plains of Whiterun. And flying through the skies of Keizaal on Isis' back with all the dragons of her family.

He could still picture Odahviing with his ruby red scales and white webbed wings with the two swirls of purple. And Isis' sister Vulizzkun. Her body was different from her mates but she was still a sight to behold. He wants to go to the dragons, telling them what happened and spent time with them.

The warmth of a hand on his shoulder made Gray look up and to the side to see Natsu with a caring look on his face. Gray turned his body waking Eclipse. She looked up at him with her sleepy blue and red eyes but she just spread her little angel wings and flew into the hull of the ship.

Gray silently sent a 'thank you' to her and leaned into Natsu. Natsu just wrapped his arms around Gray's waist and held him close. The silence was heavy but neither wanted to talk not just yet. Gray leaned his head against Natsu's shoulder and sighed through his nose. It was Natsu who broke the silence.

"You're unhappy."

Gray quickly turned looking Natsu in the eyes and was about to talk to him when Natsu beat him to it.

"Your scent is full of longing and sadness. It breaks my heart. Are you unhappy with me?"

"No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't think that. I've been waiting most of my life to be held by you. It's just . . ."

Gray sighed and slumped his head low. He had a feeling that Natsu would think he was unhappy with him but that was the furthest thing from the truth. Gray turned back to Natsu and looked at him with sad eyes.

"Listen I just want to go home."

"We should reach the mainland by morning."

"No. Natsu I didn't just live on the mainland. My life wasn't always in Fiore. It was also in Tamriel in Skyrim. I have family and friends there that I need to see. I . . . I just want to go see them and fly through the skies one more time before we mate."

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