Devlin Summers' Interview

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth looked at me thoughtfully, she seemed startled when I asked a question of my own; "How old are you Elizabeth?", she didn't look much older than me but you never know with all these genetic modification going on. She could be fifty for all I know. She was medium height and about average weight, she had very pale skin which contrasted her fiery red hair nicely, her eyes were a deep blue as they stared at me shocked that I was interested with anything about her.

"I'm twenty," she said. "I just started designing for tributes this year, you're the first tribute I've ever helped, the funny thing is, I can't see myself liking this job, even though everyone says it's the best job you can get as a fashion designer." I was confused, from what I'd seen all the other stylists had loved prepping tributes for death. I sort of zoned out thinking about how these people could possibly feel good about themselves at night after prepping a child for death.

"I guess I just never thought about it..." says Elizabeth still ranting on about her new job, she was now pacing from the door to where I stood. "I your only two years younger than me Harrison, I could've gone to school with you, we could've been friends."

"Well we are now right?" I said trying to ease her.

She looked at me smiling but still slightly shocked to have heard me say that we are friends, I still had no emotion on my face, I'd learned never to show emotion especially when you were in a life death situation, like I currently was, emotions always got in the way.

I finished putting on my dress shirt and turned around to grab my bowtie, as I turned back to Elizabeth she was surprisingly close to me, I looked her right in the eye as she slowly moved her head towards mine, I was confused at first. The last time I had been this close to someone I'd been trying to pick the mayor's pocket, and then suddenly I understood what she was trying to do. As her lips got closer to mine I had to make a decision, she was two short to reach my lips by herself so I could either leave her hanging and move along with my day or I could move my head down. I decided on the latter and our lips met.

"This is weird," I thought to myself as I felt the unfamiliar feeling of someone's lips against mine. I'd never paid much attention to girls in twelve, not that any of them paid attention to me, after all they simply had to look at my face and they could forget about ever looking at me again, Elizabeth's arms wrapped around my wide shoulders as the kiss progressed and I continued feeling out of place. I'd say this was my first kiss but it was also my first time being this close to someone that I didn't intend to rob.

After we split it was extremely awkward, I didn't know what to do and neither did she, so I just kept on getting dressed. After I was finished Elizabeth fixed my crooked bowtie and gave me a hug.

"Good luck." She said before rushing out the door to take her seat, I too rushed out the door to get to my spot in line.

I stood behind the girl from District eleven and in front of Elaine as I waited for my name to be called, like always the interviews started with District One and ended with District Twelve. As the interviewer a girly, shallow and likeable Sequin Sparkles went through the Districts I didn't pay much attention, all these tributes would either being killing me or being killed by me once we were in the arena so there was no point in learning anything about them, as minutes turned to hours the girl from eleven was finally called meaning that my name was next, I hadn't seen the complete crowd but by the sounds of it the building was full of people waiting to catch their first in depth look at this year's tributes. Finally the District Eleven girl got off stage and it was my turn to finally step on it.

"Now let me introduce our next special guest, Devlin Summers, the volunteer from District 12." says Sequin followed by a little giggle.

I took a second to compose myself before stepping on stage, making sure no emotion was on my face. I had been told to make the crowd like me but I didn't really care at this point. I wasn't going to try. If they liked me great, if they didn't well screw 'em.

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