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I secure my hair into a ponytail behind my back and head for the balcony.My skin crawls at my insane and possibly life ending contemplation - pulling me back - but at the same time curious of the secrets the tattoo that is etched on it holds.

I close my eyes and try to envision thoughts of positivity.They are instantly dissolved in my acute sense of utter paranoia.Thinking about it will only give birth to a conviction that will somehow find a way to pull me out of this.

I back up a few paces into my apartment before rushing forward in full sprint and leaping over the concrete railing.A rush of cold air buffets my body and swishes in my ears.An uncomfortable indication of speed .

I crash onto the elongated slab of concrete entrancing the window on level nine and manage to grab a hold onto it with nothing more  than my dainty fingers.Barely capable of holding my weight.

The figure watches from the shadows on the other side of the glass with cruel contempt as my predicament unfolds.My right hand slips and i am now dangerously dangling with the left one.

A small crowd gathers far below, drawn by the echoing sounds of my shrill screams.

I sermon unknown strengths from deep within, rising from the natural instinct of survival.I claw my way up pulling my heavy body into submission until i tumble into the room.

The figure exits quickly a swinging door in its wake.


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