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The streaks of blood are gone thanks to his hospitality but the tattoos always will be a part of me.

"What does it mean?" His soft voice brings me back to the now

"I was wondering the same thing." I say

He is mystified by my reply, so im i, but its all i have.

"Who is the artist?"

"I dont know."

He sighs heavily and waits for some additional information or explanation of what i just said.My sub-concious is hunched on a cozy couch munching popcorn, silently watching us.

"I know it sounds wierd..." I trail off, when i can't seem to find more to say.

"So...It just happened." 

"Something like that."

He collapses on his bed clearly frustrated by my replies that yield nothing but a pile of dead ends that he finds unsatisfactory.

"You were bleeding when i found you which was the probable cause of your unconciousness." he says "Which confirms that at some point you were fully responsive.Apparently theres more than you are willing to admit."

Apparently theres more than you are willing to admit.Apparently there is but there is no forthcoming answer.My angle of the story as i know it is vague and unbelievable and until i come to terms with it  my lips are sealed.

The guilt and the sheer intensity of his stare becomes too much to bear.I wish i could tell him more but i can't.In so doing i am building a figurative wall between us ,one that seems to be much stronger than the real thing that i could easily breech with a sledge hammer.

I swing my top in place and rush out of his apartment and into mine ignoring his persistent calls.I slam the door behind my back before pooling onto the cold floor tears streaming from my eyes.

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