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My heavy eyelids that seem to impersonate thick steel doors flutter.Fog hangs low drawing a line of distinction where it meets the hard uneven terrain beneath.It floats fluidly and icyly  over the all too foreign landscape.Hands presses on the ground i struggle to stand,giving my feet the full sense of my weight.I flutter my eyelids once again squinting randomly,struggling to adjust my terrible vision to my surroundings.

Without my glasses im lost to the world,lost to any shred of info from my surroundings that can shed light on my location.Or perhaps a reason behind it.The fog disperses before me.It forges a straight path into the night from where i stand,assuming the shape of an invisible fog-walled hallway.I flex my fingers under my meticulous gaze noting the chaotic formation of ground debris clinging  to my skin.

I want to fixate all my attention on complex image they imprint on my palms and forget about  everything.Specifically my mysterious presence here tonight.My mind proves to be unyielding of any fragment of memory that can somehow bind me to this place.

A  sudden distinct sound of a shovel meeting moist ground tears through the silence that ceases to prevail as the sounds become more constant and more pronounced.My first  instinct is to run in the opposite direction ignorant of any feeling of curiosity but my leg reflexes guide me through the path.Towards the sounds.

My body escapes from my control except  for my eyes and thoughts that loyally remain under my unfocused command.I am held prisoner by my own forward motion unable to deflect,incapable of any form of resistance i can conjure.Fear - an aspect that i don't too usually identify with- grips me accompanied by utmost uncertainty.

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