Chapter 7

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On impulse or perhaps under the influence of some sixth sense my gaze shifts to the wide open window of my room, through the crack of space left by the thick purple curtains and onto the building across the road.

On level nine theres an open window that reveals a black hooded and faceless figure standing behind it looking intently at me.Not taking my eyes off of it i rise from my bed and pace towards the window of my room.

My lips quiver slightly and my sub-concious seeks refuge behind the bolted doors of my mind, away from the ominous figure.

I must admit to having no affiliation to sorcery or witchcraft for lack of a better word.

Right there and then it hits me.My intuition suggests a positive relation of the figure to the one that lurked in my dream.A dream of which i have no forthcoming answer to the questions and tattoo it gave birth to.The timeline to be used by the software to give credible data is utmost inconclusive but if i can somehow get to the things beneath the hood, maybe... i can get the answers i seek.

I consider the wide expanse that separates the two buildings and the insulated power line that seems to be the only link between them and suddenly what i have to do is certain.

It is a total replica of the figure in my dream, equally enigmatic with similar shades of black.

Maybe, just, maybe my over worked software won't find the answers to my questions but the figure... That's a different story.


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