Chapter Eighty-Five

Start from the beginning

“You’re doing good sis,” Edward holds in his tears, “I really look up to you. You’re going to be really happy.”

“Awe,” she starts crying.

“No no,” mum hands her a tissue, “you’ll ruin your makeup.”

“Come here,” she calls the three of us and her wrap our arms around her, “I love you guys.”

“We love you too Gem,” I give her a squeeze.

“Ready?” dad comes in.

“Yes,” we let go of her.

“My baby,” dad looks at her. She runs into his arms and he hugs her, “time to let you go.”

“You’ll never loose me daddy,” she wipes her tears.

“Okay boys,” mum claps, “out out! Ceremony is in 2 minutes!”

We walk outside ready to step up to the alter.

Marcel’s POV

“Nervous?” I ask Jeff.

“Yes,” he answers and looks at his older brother.

“You can still bail,” Edward tells him, “Gemma can be a big asshole sometimes. Are you sure you want to deal with her for the rest of your life?”

“I wouldn’t be standing here if I wasn’t sure,” he laughs at Edward.

“But you do know that it’s game over from here on out,” Edward continues, “your life of being free is done. No more parties, just work, wife, and kid for the…rest…of…your…”

“I’m 100% sure of it,” Jeff smiles, “she’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“Are you sure?” Edward asks, “cause I can totally help you sneak away.”

“That’s enough,” Harry pulls Edward back, “he’s sure he wants to be with her.”

“Well at least he knows what he’s doing,” Edward glares at Harry and leaves him speechless. I’m pretty sure Harry is done with our crap about Chloe.

We all stand behind Jeff. The weather is beautiful and the sun is out. It’s not too hot nor too cold. All the guest are now seated. I can see mum and dad in front row on their left side and Jeff’s parents on the other where Jeff, the boys and I will be standing. 

The music begins and all the groomsmen walk out. We take our places at the very front of what should be the alter, but since this is an outside wedding, we stand on the long patio Jeff’s dad made. Jeff then walks out and shakes the fathers hand. He stands promptly and proud as we wait for the traditional wedding song to start.

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