chapter 5

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"Did you just slap me?" asked Lilian with furry written all over her face

"Yes I did and I will again if you dare say Shitty words again about me and Juliana!"

Lillian raked her hands through her hair furiously and the next minute she was on Rita pulling out her hair with both hands angrily.

Rita screamed and also yanked on Lillian's hair. They were both screaming as they fought spinning around while they rained curses and hit each other really hard.

This is not funny Lilian was in a fight with Rita all because of me, I couldn't let that happen and just watch , I had to stop them, just when I was about to do something it was like other students sensed my motives they quickly stepped in front of me, blocking my view of Lilian, I tried to fight my way to get some help just then few girls were holding me down so I couldn't move an inch, and Juliana was among the girls.

Am ugly, bitchy, dark soul witch.... Juliana the reason behind all of this!

"What's going on here!!!"

You don't have to ask who just spoke by the sound of her voice you would know, Juliana and the other girls holding me down quickly dropped me and ran off before they could expose their view.

I just tumbled to the floor, seeing the crowd giving way and finding Rita on top of Lilian with both their hairs tangled in each others fist.

"The both of you, stand up and follow me into my office now!" Barked miss Lauretta Leaving the both of them to stand on their feets.

Almost everyone had left the hall, just only few nosy students where left behind. I was scared for Lilian, scared for what was going to happen inside miss Lauretta's office.

They stayed in her office for about twenty five minutes, by the time they cane out most students had already left the hall. Rita eyes were red and puffy while Lilian was just acting casual, they were some scratches on her face, miss Lauretta was walking right behind them  too angrily.

They all left the hall, Lilian didn't look at me as she left. She just walked right passed me before glancing my way.

How bad had this gone?


I was at home in my kitchen making pasta with Lilian but she wasn't talking to me, after she chopped some onions and tomatoes, she picked her mug and just faced outside the window holding it tight without sipping from it.

She had been quiet a lot after the incident in school, Collins had come home when he heard about the fight but she shunned him and told him to leave.  Obviously not wanting to speak with him, I tried myself speaking with her too but she gave me the same attitude. I took it as my cue to let her be, I'm sure if she wanted to speak to me she will on her own accord, forcing her wouldn't be a good idea. I don't know if it was due to the fight or what Miss Lauretta must have said that might have gotten her this way.  But Lilian hardly cares about what others have to say or even if something has come in the way of her mischief plans for Juliana she will always find another way to teach Juliana a good lesson. If I stood here all day trying to figure out what's wrong with her I might just end up going to bed with a bad migraine.

I wanted to speak with her again, I am not comfortable  with the silence in our little kitchen, I'm not used to it when I am around my friend but I must admit when she gets like this she's really scary, not like she gonna hurt or hit you but her calmness just screams danger. And have only seen her like this once and that was when her step mom showed up at the lodge with Lillian's stepsister.

One way or the other she was gonna loosen up and start talking, but all I needed was just to give her time.

I removed the pasta after it had gotten a bit soft and left it in a sieve to drain out the remaining water. Got out my pan and put in a little vegetable oil, opening the fridge to bring out I some vegetables from the fridge, washing the chopped carrots, green peas, farrows and sweet corn with cold running water. Draining it out with the sieve before putting the veggies on in the pan to fry a bit adding the onions, little ball pepper and tomatoes Lilian chopped. Letting it fry and simmer for a minute. Adding a little salt and seasoning cube. Finally I added my pasta little by little mixing it with the tomatoes sauced vegetables, after it was properly mixed I added a little water and covered it to simmer. 

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