Chapter twenty five

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"Be kind to yourself then let that kindness flow out."

Natasha's POV.

My aunt had fully recovered now, and we were on the plane that was originally booked to see my, my mom, a few months ago. 

Shopping with my aunt wasn't easy. I mean it should be right but she kept panicking about what her sister would think about it.

"I haven't seen her in 13 years if you were in my shoes you would understand, I want to make a good impression." She said going through the clothing rack.

"She's your sister how you look like won't matter." I said.

She looked at me with sad eyes. "You don't understand do you."

She sat down and automatically I sat down with her.

"Since we were young our parents had a future already planned out for us. All prosperous futures. Of course I didn't want to be a lawyer fighting for guilty people and as the oldest my parents believed I was a rebel kid and when my sister started going towards the course set out for her she became the favourite. When she married your father who back then was a prosperous businessman my mum was so proud and she even sometimes referred to her as the oldest clearing showing me how disappointed she was in me. Anyways I didn't care but when things went downhill for her and she ran away mum blame me saying that I had rubbed my rebellious attitudes on her. So we lost contact, my mum and I, and now we are meeting again." She said the sighed

I put my hand on her shoulder and turned her face to look at me.

"Whatever happens you are family. What your mum thinks is irrelevant and your sister will be more happy to see you then what you wear."

She gave me a reassuring smile then we finished our shopping.
And I was right before we made it past the gate of her modest house she was running out to meet us.

"Sarah!" She said engulfing my aunt in a bone-breaking hug. "Its so good to see after all these years"

"I'm happy to see you to." Sarah said then sniffed clearly she was crying.

I gave them some time while they stayed in that position for some time and I turned to admire the house. For some weird crazy reason I saw my self growing up here the way a normal kid does, my brother and I, being surrounded by the beige walls and well-manicured lawn.

"Natasha!" Maria turned to be a little hesitant how how she would display her affection for me.

"Hey " I said bringing her into a tight hug. I didn't know if she recognised that I didn't greet her with mum or she did and ignored it.

She pulled me back and looked at me. Her eyes were as emerald as mine but just not as shallow as mine. Her one were deep with history and experience. Her skin wasn't as wrinkled as expected but clearly it was genetic looking at my aunt.

"Thanks for looking after my baby girl." She said turning to her sister. "Come on let's go inside. There's a lot to talk about." She said.

The doorman put the bags in the designated rooms and Maria allowed us to change and join her for dinner.

Going into my room one thing caught my attention it was the window seating.

Looking at it I knew that would be my favorite place of all places. The pink was warm and inviting bring life into the room. I put my bags down and walked over to it. It faces the beautiful garden and pool.

Unconsciously my mind started imagining myself living here and what it would be like growing up in this room. But I quickly dismissed it until after I had the full understanding on why Maria left me the way she did.

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