"Michael!!" I was out of breath. "What- Are you okay!"

"Yeah!!! Everything's-" He kissed me. "-Fine!!!"

Nigel came through the doors with Marissa, Raé and Janet in tow. Michael took a seat at his desk, Marissa sat across from him, of course. Raé went and sat on the couch next to Janet and I took my seat on the windowsill in the sun with Nigel standing next to me.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice but there's something important that needs to be done." Michael started.

"Another task?" Raé asked, curious.


"Then what?" Janet asked, her curiosity piqued as well.

"Kennedy," Michael snapped me out of my trance. "Can you come here please?"

I looked at everyone and back at him. "I'm fine right here."

"Not this again." Marissa sighed.

I shot her a death glare and felt Nigel's hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine right here." I repeated to Michael.

"Come!" He demanded. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to where he was and sat on his lap. 

"I'm not sure if you guys have noticed but Kennedy and I have decided to work things out." He explained. "In order to do that I need to make some changes."

What kind of changes, exactly??" Marissa asked glaring at me.

"Well-" He was about to tell her but I swiftly cut him off.

"You need to get the fuck out." I simply stated.

"Excuse me?" She gasped, looking around me to Michael for answers.

"What she said." Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"So she can come in here and start making changes and you're gonna allow it?!" She questioned. "First Janet and now her?? Do you not have a backbone?"

"Awe hell..." I heard Raé whisper from the couch. Janet sat up about to say something but I beat her to it.

"Is there a problem?" I asked her, scooting up. Michael held on to my waist so that i wouldn't move anymore.

"Yes, you!" She scoffed. "Who are you to tell me I need to leave?!"

"I'm the bitch that's allowing you to breathe right now."

"Shouldn't you be somewhere taking lessons on how NOT to lose a baby!!" She spat back.

Michael had his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on my back. After what Marissa just said, he let me go and sat back in his chair. Everyone sat back. Even Nigel took a seat. You could hear a pin drop.

Before anyone could blink, I reached over the desk and snatched Marissa by her hair, pulling her back to the other side of the desk and I proceeded to beat the shit out of her. After a few minutes of us rolling around fighting, someone pulled me up off of her. Michael had me corned by the door and Nigel had her pinned against the wall.

"You had one job and you couldn't even do it!!" She yelled.

"Let me go," I begged Michael. "Please just let me go.."

"Nooo," He kissed my forehead. "She's not worth it."

"Yes she is," I laughed.

"If I let you go, you might kill her."

"That's the point."

"Escort her out please, Nigel." Michael called over to him. "Make sure she has everything so that she doesn't have to come back here."

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