110 Borrowing, Just Borrowing

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Hong Bao looked around when she closed the door behind her to make sure she wouldn't be noticed. Well, it seemed like she didn't have to worry. Even though the God of War's palace and the other buildings surrounding it swarmed with armored guards, this courtyard seemed abandoned. Hong Bao didn't think any further about it, skipped over to the building and opened the door.
Maybe Heaven was indeed on her side because the courtyard normally wouldn't be left unguarded like this. In fact, two Heavenly Guards were supposed to stand watch in front of the door that would sound an alarm as a precaution as soon as somebody entered the courtyard. In case the person tried to force their way into the building, they even had the right to kill them on the spot.
Right now, nothing could be seen of them though and only a slight rustle could be heard from the bushes next to the building. Otherwise, everything was quiet and Hong Bao entered the building unhindered.
Since she was pressed for time, Hong Bao didn't even close the door behind her. Nobody was there anyway and she would need some light to search for that dagger, didn't she? Who knew if it was really as obvious to see as the Goddess of Love had said?
After stepping into the dark building, the ground lit up with blue lines, submerging the room in a pale light. Hong Bao stopped walking and looked down, her brows raising.
What was this? It wouldn't alarm anyone, would it? As someone who had never cultivated in her entire life, Hong Bao naturally didn't recognize these lines as the spiritual array they formed. As someone without spiritual energy, she didn't set it off either.
After wondering for a moment, she looked back up. Nobody had come yet so she might as well search for that special weapon. Even if somebody came, she might be fast enough to take it away first.
She didn't need to search for long or rather one look was enough to spot it. Just like Yin Lin Lin had told her, it was displayed on something that Hong Bao identified as a cupboard. In fact, it looked a lot like an altar and there were even some inscriptions on it. Hong Bao didn't even notice them though. Her gaze roamed over the dagger.
There wasn't much to see. Just a black handle and a similarly black sheath but she shuddered at the sight. Both were slightly curved but had sharp edges as if they could cut through steel like it was mud. Such a weapon was used to set the soul of a god free?
Hong Bao couldn't really understand but she didn't care anyway. The Goddess of Love had told her that this was a sure-fire way to get things back on track and the main point was that she could save Shun Tao with this anyway. Thinking of that, she happily skipped over and grabbed it.
Nobody noticed.
Hong Bao left the building and closed the door behind her. She looked over to the God of War's study and pursed her lips. She hadn't even taken five minutes to get the weapon. Wouldn't it seem strange to those guards she had asked for the way if she came back now? Maybe it would be better if she went the other way?
She circled around the building but stopped dead in her track. Some strange noises were coming out of the bushes. This ... what was going on there? Hong Bao wanted to have a look but she still had that dagger in her hand and even though she would bring it back soon the people in the God of War's palace might not like it. Who knew if they would listen to her if she tried to explain? They might punish Shun Tao even more if it got out that she had wanted to help him! After all, these people worked for the crown prince's uncle.
Hong Bao turned around. Snap. Hong Bao's head lowered. A broken branch lay below her feet.
The noise coming from the bushes stopped.
"Wait! I think I heard something."
"Shut up and go on."
"No, what if the God of War —"
"Wasn't he looking for that ascended deity? He'll be out way longer. Now come on! Or is it that you don't have enough stamina?"
"What are you saying?! I'll show you just how much stamina I have!"
The noises started again.
Hong Bao waited a moment, then hurried back the way she came. Forget the guards she asked. Maybe they would think she had delivered a message. The only problem was the dagger. Hong Bao turned it in her hands. She had to hide it somewhere but she hadn't brought anything with her.
Argh, she couldn't wait any longer! Shun Tao's time was running out. With a determined expression, she pushed the dagger into her dress and tried adjusting it below her chest area.
The Heavenly Guards patrolling that turned into the corridor halted, exchanged a glance and hurried back, one of them even clasping a hand over his mouth. "What did I just see?" he hissed at the other one but his companion could only shrug his shoulders.
"I guess it's true what the guys outside said. There really was a woman visiting the God of War."
"But didn't she go in like ... five minutes ago? How are they already finished? The Fate's Scribe is rumored to have taken half an hour! Our Master wouldn't lose out to him, would he?" The guard furrowed his brow. He couldn't understand. He had seen the Fate's Scribe. Their own Master looked so much more manly. How could he take less time?!
"What do you know?" The other guard struck him a blow to the chest. "He's the God of War, it's expected for him to take a swift and decisive victory. The Fate's Scribe probably had to sweet talk that servant girl first. That's why he took so long."
"Ah! So it's like that!" The guard nodded understandingly.
Then the two fell silent, waiting for the person around the corner to leave.

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