Epilogue: Remenants of evil

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Joey and Daniel helped Manny into their house. "Hold on Manny" added Joey. They laid him down.  "Will he be ok?" Asked Daniel.   "I don't know, but excuse me a moment" added Joey.  He disappeared only to reappear in the 1920's graveyard from escape the night season 1.   Joey went over to Shane's gravestone and knelt by it.   "It's odd that you specifically are the only one who showed himself... You say it's because you were the only one who didn't die via death challenge but why am I getting this feeling there's something else" he said. 

*"ʝơɛყ... ı'ɱ ŋơɬ ʂųrɛ ıʄ ı'ɱ rıɠɧɬ ცųɬ Ɩɛɬ ɱɛ ƈɧɛƈƙ ɬɧɛ ɠrą۷ɛʂ ɬơ ʂɛɛ ɬɧɛ ცơɖıɛʂ "* stated Raef.   Joey nodded and switched to Raef before he checked the graves in all three time periods.  Meanwhile back at the house Manny woke up and held his head.   " my head... What... How am I here? " he asked.  "Welcome back to the land of the living" added Daniel.  Manny gasped and hugged Daniel.   "Wait where's Joey?" He asked.  "He'll be back shortly" added Daniel.

The huskies were giving Manny kisses while he was laughing.   Raef gasped to discover Shane's grave was empty.  "ɧơῳ?!" He exclaimed.   He switched back to Joey who was in fear and he returned to Daniel and Manny.  "Joey!" The duo said and hugged him.  "You saved me, thank you!" Added Manny.  Joey smiled and hugged back but then let go.   "What's wrong?" Asked Daniel.

"When I was near death... I was in this form of purgatory... The same purgatory that all of the others who died in escape the night are".   " Shane was there... He was the one who guided me out but.... " added Joey.   The duo was worried.   "But what?" Asked Manny.   "I checked the graves, I expected that yours would be the only empty one, but Shane's is empty too" responded Joey.  Daniel and Manny were shocked.  "But... If his is empty, then where's Shane?" Asked Daniel.  Manny cursed in Spanish before he excused himself to the bathroom. 

He went in and closed the door before turning on the sink and started splashing water on his face.   "I am so glad this is waterproof makeup on me".  He looked at himself in the mirror suddenly only to gasp to find Adrigal staring back.   " Guys!" He yelled.   Daniel peeked in only to see nothing wrong.   "I don't see anything".  " but he was.... What " added Manny.  Daniel realized what this meant.  

"Come on we'll tell Joey" added Daniel.  The two went to him. 

Anti's mansion: Anti was tending to his and shadowmash's wounds.   The duo heard footsteps and turned only to see a silhouette nearby.   "w̰̃h̰̃õ̰ ã̰r̰̃ḛ̃ ỹ̰õ̰ṵ̃?" Asked anti.   The figure seemed to signal shadowmash on something and the other dark tuber sent anti back into the computer leaving an unconscious Jack.  "Sorry anti... I'm taking charge now" added shadowmash. He turned to the figure smirking and walked over.  "How did it go for your end?" Asked shadowmash.  "нe'ѕ вacĸ on тracĸ" responded the person who seems to sound like Shane but darker.

"Good we'll be ready" added shadowmash.  The duo disappeared in an odd red light. 

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