Chapter 13

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"Not so strong now huh," William and a group of the football guys surround Violet when she's finally alone.

"Oh, I'm far from strong. What do you want William?" Violet asked politely. William pushed Violet into the wall, pinning her hard.

"I don't like how close you are with Gwen. She's mine and mine alone. I know your kind, your kind likes to snatch anyone who had their heart broken. Not on my watch bitch! So what you're the daughter of mobsters. Even they can't bend the laws and rule of this world," William snapped his fingers as the other guys let out their weapon of choice.

"Please, don't kill her," William smirk, leaving his friends dealing with Violet. Violet watched these guys surrounded her with their weapon before one of them starting to hit her with a bat. Violet didn't flinch not feel pain.

"I guess the fat absorbs the pain after all," they laughed before ganging up on Violet, hitting her body avoiding her head and any vital parts. Violet didn't even bother to cover herself as her knees giving out on her. She laid on the side as they continue to hit her with many types of objects.

Once they're done, they leave Violet alone, bleeding profusely. They didn't know that Violet was not even fazed that she's been beaten badly like so. Violet got up to a sitting position and rest her back against the wall. Her visions were blurry because of the blood that came into her eyes.

She knows that if she walks around school like this, it will cause major drama. She tries to find her bag pack before went to get a pack of cigarettes inside it. She lit it up and try to calm her nerve before thinking of a way to home without anyone noticing it.

She let them beat her up like this just to make sure if the pain caused by others feels the same with the pain that's currently happening inside her. She wants to make sure of that but nothing can beat a heartbreak, not even physical pain.

She heard someone walking towards her but she didn't bother to see who. When the person kneels and forcefully lifted up face, she was surprised to see Gwen and Hadley.

"Jesus! What happened to you?" Hadley asked while finding her phone.

"Something 'amazing' happened to me. If you call Audrey, I'll make sure to kill myself now. I don't want her busy ass body know what happened to me," Hadley sigh before kept her phone inside her skirt pocket.

"This is bad! We should do something about the blood and wound. I think the locker room has a first aid kit," Gwen was about to get up but Violet pulled her down.

"It's fine. Just find some wet cloth to clean the blood. I'm... not a fan of antiseptic," Violet refuse. Antiseptic pain is unbearable for her. She willing to be punched to the death rather than placing antiseptic on her wounds.

"But you'll get infected if we don't treat you! Please, we know what to do," Gwen smile before she jogs towards the locker room. Violet sigh, doesn't know if she should be happy for worried that Gwen actually worried about her state.

"Did William did this to you?" Hadley asked. Violet nod as Gwen came up with the first aid kit.

"Don't be a baby and let me treat your wound!" Gwen was getting impatient when Violet deliberately forbid Gwen from ever taking the antiseptic.

"VIOLET!" Gwen glared. Violet gave up.


When Hadley explained to Audrey what happened to Violet, Audrey was angry. Audrey decided to march down towards William's football practice and grabbed him by the collar, forcing him to face her.

"What have you done TO VIOLET!" Audrey screams loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Your forget who she is?! You are nothing William! NOTHING! She could easily make you disappear after what you've done to her. You're testing my patience! So what your ex-girlfriend decided to be friends with her? What? Afraid she might fall for Violet? Loving her more than she ever loved you?! Man and their ego!" William got on his foot and pushed Audrey on the chest.

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