Chapter 7

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"We've been expecting you. Please, come in and enjoy your visit here at the Martin Mansion," Gianna, Richard, and her family feel like they're so out of place. Violet mentioned that they should dressed formal but this party is not what they had expected at all.

As they were being led on, the other guests watched every step they made. Questions after question were playing in the guest's mind. Who is this group of people? Why are they here?

It was until Auriana greets the Vesper with arms wide the guests feel they're obligated to respect the normal looking family.

"I'm so glad you all could make it. Hello, Richard," Auriana smile but deep down, she wishes that she could end this boy's life. But Violet made it clear to her that Richard shall not be the harm in any way.

"Wow, Gianna! You look hot," Audrey and Hadley appeared behind them. They had just arrived.

"Mommy, I can't find Violet. Please don't tell me she decided to skip the whole party," Auriana sigh heavily.

"She decided to leave the party early. She's so sad, I wonder why," Auriana turn to Gianna, telling her that she knows what Gianna had done to her youngest daughter.

"Well, whoever made her feel that should be burn to crisp. I really to see my daughter sad, skipping her meal. She refuses to tell me what's wrong," Auriana finally glared. Gianna avoided eye contact when she noticed how Auriana glared at her.

It's more like a pleasure than fear for her. She cursed herself that she felt that way, knowing she's the cause of Violet's despair.

"Maybe you should talk to her, Gianna. She is your friend. You're a good listener too," Veda suggested. Audrey could only smile when she heard Veda's suggestion.

"Yes Gianna, I will lead you to Violet's room. I'm sure you can change her mind to join the party," Audrey smirk. Gianna wanted to say no but she knows it's better than she handles this alone. She's hundred percent sure that Auriana will chop her head off if she refuses.

"Alright, I'll think of something. Show me the way, Audrey," Audrey nod. She turns to Hadley and muttered into her ear that leaves Hadley flustered. Audrey flicked her girl's nose before leading Gianna to Violet's room.

"Am I in trouble?" Violet asked when she's all alone with Audrey.

"Yes, you're in trouble. Auriana knows about the slapping incident," Gianna froze but she keeps walking up the stairs.

"What will she do to me? She's going to kill me is she?" Audrey shakes her head no.

"Are you mental? You know how Violet's in love with you. If Auriana even touches your hair, Violet will be mad and Auriana will never forgive herself for it," Gianna smiled. Remembering the moment when Violet confessed to her always bring joy to her heart.

"What's with the grin? Richard will hate you for thinking of Violet that way," Audrey mocked before she pointed at a majestic door in front of them.

"This is her room. I need to be at the party or those guys will be all over Hadley again. Good luck and please, don't slap her again," Audrey knock on the door before leaving Gianna alone.

"Come in," Gianna heard Violet's voice and entered the room. Imagine her surprised when came into a studio rather than a room. She hasn't seen Violet anywhere but she knows she's in here, somewhere.

"What is it, mommy? I told you that I don't want to be at the party. I saw Gianna's car drive up, she's down there with Richard right?" Gianna followed the sound of her voice towards another end of the room. This time Gianna was greeted by a luxurious bedroom.

The Girl Who Stole My Heart (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora