Chapter 4

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Gwen, 17, was walking towards the Martin front door together with her friends and Audrey to seek forgiveness from Violet and her family herself. After talking with the principal, she was sentenced to do a few hours worth of community service for the academy for lying about the facts.

"Remember, apologize sincerely. Grovel if you have to. I am not sure if the mistress of this household is in a good mood or not," Audrey knocks on the door a few times before Auriana herself opens it.

"Audrey? And some other friends, come in, come in," Auriana accepted them with open arms. Audrey was taken aback by her response. From this, she knows that Violet hasn't told her mother about the suspension yet.

"You seems to be in a good mood, Mommy. Something happened?" Audrey asked as she hugged the woman.

"Oh yes, I am happy! So happy I could die from it!" Auriana laughed while inviting everyone in.

"What's wrong child? You seem sad for some reason," Auriana places a comforting hand on Gwen's back. She's genuinely worried about the girls trembling hands.

"Mommy, Gwen has something to say. Gwen now is the best time to say what you wish to say," Gwen get on her knees and apologized to Violet's mother.

Violet, who just finished eating her meal was astounded when she witnessed what's happening in her mansion's foyer.

"Gwen?! What are you doing here? Why are you all here? Audrey? What's going on?" Violet look down on Gwen.

"Gwen, get up from the floor, what are you doing?" Violet was about to help Gwen up when Gwen yelled 'I'm sorry' as loud as she could. Violet stopped midway, trying to process everything.

"Violet, what's going on? Audrey?" Auriana was confused. She doesn't know how to react to this. She is used to people groveling for her but never once a teenage girl did such thing to her.

"I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm told the principal and he has revoked your suspension," Auriana was speechless when she heard what Gwen had said.

"Suspension? What the bloody hell is she talking about? You got the suspension on the second day of school?!" Violet sighed heavily before facing her mother.

"Yes, ma'am," Auriana glared at her daughter. She can't believe that Violet doesn't have the nerve to tell her with her on her own, she has to ask her friend to do for her?!

"Why didn't you tell me yourself? Why letting your friends do the apologizing and groveling for you? Is this how you make friends, Violet?!" Auriana was behind pissed.

"Ma'am! It's not her fault," Gwen look up to the mistress of this mansion and explained everything. Auriana was in a rage when she learned that her youngest daughter has been putting up a fake smile all this time just to save her butt from getting killed.

"You, bully my daughter? You swine! Who gives you the permission to do such thing?!" Auriana took a step forward and slapped Gwen across the face with the back of her hand.

The force from Auriana's hand was hard enough to make Gwen fall in her side. Violet watched this with wide eyes, feeling sorry for Gwen who is now sobbing on the floor.

"I'm sorry ma'am... I didn't mean to hurt her like that and I was stupid to accuse her of hurting me," Auriana looked at this teenage girl with disgust in her eyes.

"You think your apology will make my daughter happy? You're wrong, swine! Even if you kill yourself, it won't change the fact that you hurt a Martin! You and your family will pay for what you've done!" Auriana was interrupted even Violet suddenly appeared in front of her face.

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