"No..we're just friends." I replied. The last thing I needed were any dating rumors.

"Hey guys, that's not a no!" Finn laughed.

We ordered burgers, fries, and of course milkshakes, then grabbed a table in the back.

"This is a long time coming Harper..I must be honest, I've been thinking of asking you on a date ever since I saw you a few months ago." Finn said.

"Well we're here now...and I want to know more about you, Finn. Something you've never told anybody." I raise an eyebrow.

"Hmmm..that's hard. I tell my mom everything." He thought.

"Oh your a mommas boy? That's cute." I chuckle.

"I don't have the best relationship with my dad..and ever since I could remember, my mom and I have always bonded better," He said. "I remember one time for my 15th birthday, she got a makeshift wrestling ring set up in the backyard and I got some of my old friends over, and we spent the whole day wrestling." He smiled.

"I bet that was nice, was that what sealed the deal for you to become a wrestler?" I wondered.

"Oh hell yes. The feeling I got when in that ring, I could never shake it. So I got into training, worked my ass off for a tryout with WWE, and was one of the lucky ones." He said.

"I always loved watching WWE growing up, and I knew whatever I did I wanted to be involved somehow. I used to wrestle way back, but they weren't offering any tryouts for that, so I applied for the interviewer position." I revealed.

"Wow, I didn't know the great Harper Wright used to kick ass in the ring!" Finn exclaimed.

"And now I sortve am in this storyline I'm involved in." I add.

"But you seem to be holding your own, I love watching you tell off Heyman and putting Lesnar in his place." He smirked.

"That's one thing I'm never gonna let anybody get away with, disrespecting me or people I care about." I shrugged.

"Well, since we finished eating, I think it's time for that surprise." Finn smiled, taking care of the garbage.

"Okay, I'm getting excited. I don't know what you have planned." I said as we got back into the car.

"Your gonna love it, trust me." He said confidently.

A few minutes pass and we pull into a go kart center. As soon as Finn parks the car I pull him into a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"You won't be saying that when I whoop your ass in go karts!" Finn chuckled.

"Oh, we'll see you asshole." I smirked, as we walked inside.

Turns out he rented the whole arcade for us, which was so sweet.

"You ready?" Finn turns to me as we put our helmets on.

"Hell yeah!" I yell, and we zoom off.

"So, does this mean I get a second date with you?" Finn asks as we arrive outside my hotel room.

"Definitely. I had a lot of fun today." I grinned.

"I'm glad, even if you did beat me all three rounds of go karts." He frowned.

"There's always next time!" I nudge him.

We looked at each other and slowly leaned in, until my door opened and Dean appeared.

"Sooooo...how'd it go?!" He squealed, "Oh, were you two about to kiss?!"

"Finn, get out while you can.." I advise, giving him one last hug. "I'll see you on Sunday."

"I'm looking forward Harper," He waved, before leaving.

"You had to ruin my moment!" I smack Dean on the back of his head.

"Just think, this way they'll be tons of sexual tension between you guys, so your welcome." He says.

"I hate you!" I throw a pillow at him.

"Maddyyyy, Harpers being mean!" Dean whines.

While Dean continues whining, my phone buzzed and I saw I had messages from Seth.

Seth: Harper I hope you had fun on your date with Finn...

Seth: Just don't make any plans with him on Monday night, I want to take you out.

Harper: You can't tell me who I can and can't make plans with.

He replied instantly.

Seth: What's your problem??

Harper: Nothing, I'm great actually. I'll talk later, bye.

I didn't know what Seth's problem was, telling me what to do. But I wasn't worried about it, I was thinking about he amazing time I had with Finn.

"Ooohhhh, she's crushing hardddd!" Maddy yelled, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"No I am not!" I blush.

"That is the look of a lovesick puppy! I remember Maddy having that same look with me!" Dean said proudly.

"Don't flatter yourself." Maddy retorts.

"I remember you telling me you lovvedddddd meeeeee...." He sung.

"Lets go before I shove my foot so far up your ass you'll choke on it!" Maddy threatened.

Needless to say, Dean stayed quiet the whole ride to the airport.

- - -

Yayyy, harpers date with Finn went good...although Seth doesn't seem too happy about it. Thanks for reading, I hope you all are loving the story so far. It's about to get juicy juicy 😏😂

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